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<i>The Onion</i> on Security
From Schneier on Security

The Onion on Security

"Authorities Called in to Examine Suspicious-Looking Ham."

Sears Spies on its Customers
From Schneier on Security

Sears Spies on its Customers

It's not just hackers who steal financial and medical information: Between April 2007 and January 2008, visitors to the Kmart and Sears web sites were invitedSony...

Monopoly Sets for WWII POWs: More Information
From Schneier on Security

Monopoly Sets for WWII POWs: More Information

I already blogged about this; there's more information in this new article: Included in the items the German army allowed humanitarian groups to distribute in...

Eliminating Externalities in Financial Security
From Schneier on Security

Eliminating Externalities in Financial Security

This is a good thing: An Illinois district court has allowed a couple to sue their bank on the novel grounds that it may have failed to sufficiently secure their...

Hacking Two-Factor Authentication
From Schneier on Security

Hacking Two-Factor Authentication

Back in 2005, I wrote about the failure of two-factor authentication to mitigate banking fraud: Here are two new active attacks we're starting to see: Man-in-the...

Quantum Computer Factors the Number 15
From Schneier on Security

Quantum Computer Factors the Number 15

This is an important development: Shor's algorithm was first demonstrated in a computing system based on nuclear magnetic resonance -- manipulating molecules in...

Inferring Friendship from Location Data
From Schneier on Security

Inferring Friendship from Location Data

Interesting: For nine months, Eagle's team recorded data from the phones of 94 students and staff at MIT. By using blue-tooth technology and phone masts, theyabstract...

Terrorist Havens
From Schneier on Security

Terrorist Havens

Good essay on "terrorist havens" -- like Afghanistan -- and why they're not as big a worry as some maintain: Rationales for maintaining the counterinsurgency in...

Friday Squid Blogging: Embracing Your Inner Squid
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Embracing Your Inner Squid

Interview with Jonathan Coulton.

Modifying the Color-Coded Threat Alert System
From Schneier on Security

Modifying the Color-Coded Threat Alert System

I wrote about the DHS's color-coded threat alert system in 2003, in Beyond Fear: The color-coded threat alerts issued by the Department of Homeland Security are...

Printing Police Handcuff Keys
From Schneier on Security

Printing Police Handcuff Keys

Using a 3D printer. Impressive. At the end of the day he talked the officers into trying the key on their handcuffs and

Skein News
From Schneier on Security

Skein News

Skein is one of the 14 SHA-3 candidates chosen by NIST to advance to the second round. As part of the process, NIST allowed the algorithm designers to implement...

Robert Sawyer's Alibis
From Schneier on Security

Robert Sawyer's Alibis

Back in 2002, science fiction author Robert J. Sawyer wrote an essay about the trade-off between privacy and security, and came out in favor of less privacy. I...

Friday Squid Blogging: Stinky Squid
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Stinky Squid

It's a mushroom: Pseudocolus fusiformis.

Schneier on "The Future of the Security Industry"
From Schneier on Security

Schneier on "The Future of the Security Industry"

Here's a video of a talk I gave at an OWASP meeting in August.

Refuse to be Terrorized
From Schneier on Security

Refuse to be Terrorized

Me from 2006.

Eighth Anniversary of 9/11
From Schneier on Security

Eighth Anniversary of 9/11

On September 30, 2001, I published a special issue of Crypto-Gram discussing the terrorist attacks. I wrote about the novelty of the attacks, airplane security...

File Deletion
From Schneier on Security

File Deletion

File deletion is all about control. This used to not be an issue. Your data was on your computer, and you decided when and how to delete a file. You could use the...

Demonstration of a Liquid Explosive
From Schneier on Security

Demonstration of a Liquid Explosive

The BBC has a video demonstration of a 16-ounce bottle of liquid blowing a hole in the side of a plane. I know no more details other than what's in the video. ...

NSA Intercepts Used to Convict Liquid Bombers
From Schneier on Security

NSA Intercepts Used to Convict Liquid Bombers

Three of the UK liquid bombers were convicted Monday. NSA-intercepted e-mail was introduced as evidence in the trial: The e-mails, several of which have been ...
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