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Communications of the ACM



Tina Dico at Union Chapel
From Wild WebMink

Tina Dico at Union Chapel

Tina Dico at Union Chapel, originally uploaded by webmink. We had an evening out last night in London at Union Chapel, an excellent venue for acoustic gigs. We...

Reader Reminder
From Wild WebMink

Reader Reminder

My Infoworld Open Sources article for this week is now live. It takes the demise of Google Reader as a reminder that without open source software processing open...

Leveson Collateral Damage
From Wild WebMink

Leveson Collateral Damage

I just sent this to my MP.  Feel free to borrow from it. Dear $MP, I’m one of your constituents ($postcode), as well as being a pro bono director of Open Rights...

Demand A Proper Consultation
From Wild WebMink

Demand A Proper Consultation

The UK’s Home Office continues to push for maximum surveillance powers with minimum accountability in the latest adjustments to the Communications Data Bill. I...

Python Trademark Safe In Europe
From Wild WebMink

Python Trademark Safe In Europe

Seems all that community pressure worked. The Python Software Foundation confirmed that the UK hoster that was threatening their name has withdrawn its trademark...

Royal Charter or Star Chamber For Stars?
From Wild WebMink

Royal Charter or Star Chamber For Stars?

Alec Muffett points out that the new Royal Charter being rushed through the UK Parliament includes some drafting that appears to drag blogs, Twitter and other social...

Google, VP8 and Codec Standards
From Wild WebMink

Google, VP8 and Codec Standards

The politics around codecs are complex and the incumbents are prone to deceptive feints, like in 2010 when MPEG-LA claimed that H.264 was available “free” for web...

Speak Up For SHIELD
From Wild WebMink

Speak Up For SHIELD

If you’re a US citizen, your support for the bipartisan SHIELD Act could strike a decisive blow to patent trolls by making them pay costs if they lose patent actions...

Red Hat Picks Up Dropped Java 6
From Wild WebMink

Red Hat Picks Up Dropped Java 6

Red Hat put out a press release yesterday that didn’t instantly make sense to me. After a chat with their GM of Middleware, I realised actually they had all done...

A Broken Promise
From Wild WebMink

A Broken Promise

Microsoft was fined for being a scofflaw and for failing to self-regulate as it had promised, not (just) for a “technical oversight”. I explain more on InfoWorld...

Saying “Copy” Was A Screw-Up
From Wild WebMink

Saying “Copy” Was A Screw-Up

Why using the word "copy" was probably the screw-up that took away our rights and allowed publishing middle-men everywhere to eternally tax culture.

Not Risk But Trust
From Wild WebMink

Not Risk But Trust

Amanda Palmer has stumbled on trust as the answer to the music industry's problems.

Artificial Scarcity
From Wild WebMink

Artificial Scarcity

When there’s no legitimate way to make money, dinosaur publishers resort to digital vandalism to create scarcity artificially. Technical measures that prevent reading...

Certification And Innovation
From Wild WebMink

Certification And Innovation

While there is probably a place for ”granular” certifications, especially if their origin is the external accreditation of real-world recognition inside a community...

WebDAV Direct
From Wild WebMink

WebDAV Direct

LibreOffice can connect natively to a WebDav server, apparently. Here’s another video in the same series as the ones I posted about CMIS connections, showing LibreOffice...

Python Issue Slithers Away?
From Wild WebMink

Python Issue Slithers Away?

Looks like Python Hosting is no more. I’ve seen nothing official, but I note from that the new name for their cloud hosting is Veber Cloud.  My story...

Open Source Document Management
From Wild WebMink

Open Source Document Management

I’ve not tried a document management system before, but these videos of LibreOffice checking documents in & out of document management systems via the new CMIS...

Rome’s Answer To Milton Keynes
From Wild WebMink

Rome’s Answer To Milton Keynes

High Roman Wall, originally uploaded by webmink. We went walking yesterday around the remains of the Roman town Calleva Atrebatum in Silchester, Hampshire. This...

Python – Why Is There Even An Issue?
From Wild WebMink

Python – Why Is There Even An Issue?

As soon as I heard about the trademark dispute concerning Python, I tried to contact both sides and understand why there was even an issue. I got through straight...

Unitary Patent Over-simplified By IoS
From Wild WebMink

Unitary Patent Over-simplified By IoS

The IoS may have uncritically picked up the messaging the UK’s “Intellectual Property Office” has been spreading, but the likely outcome of the unitary patent is...
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