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MyGOSSCon Slides
From Wild WebMink

MyGOSSCon Slides

I gave a presentation yesterday in Malaysia on the forces driving change in open source; here are the slides.

Open Rights Group Maturing
From Wild WebMink

Open Rights Group Maturing

In the space of a few weeks, the Open Rights Group (where I’m a volunteer director) has gone through a growth spurt, winning an award for campaigning work, launching...

Cause and Effect
From Wild WebMink

Cause and Effect

Why do people take actions that actually make things worse as they attempt to solve complex problems? I was interviewed Monday for an upcoming documentary called...

Open, Free and Commercial
From Wild WebMink

Open, Free and Commercial

"Open" is never used honestly to mean "non-commercial". "Open" means no permission required; only salesmen pretend otherwise.— Simon Phipps (@webmink) November...

Finessing Stallman’s Pragmatism
From Wild WebMink

Finessing Stallman’s Pragmatism

Not a title that you might expect to see, but Richard Stallman has indeed posted a pragmatic proposal for dealing with software patents – to limit enforceability...

Does Rooting Void Your Warranty?
From Wild WebMink

Does Rooting Void Your Warranty?

Find out on ComputerWorldUK

Driving Open Source
From Wild WebMink

Driving Open Source

Here’s my interview with this month’s Oracle Java Magazine about the forces driving open source and the need for open source skills.

Downloads Prove There Are Downloaders
From Wild WebMink

Downloads Prove There Are Downloaders

And nothing more. My experience at Sun showed me that, when you use downloads as a metric for project success, you’re missing the point and perhaps trying to distract...

Open Means No Patents
From Wild WebMink

Open Means No Patents

I’m delighted with the definitions the UK Government has chosen for “open source” and “open standards” in their new Open Standards Principles. They are using OSI...

Air New Zealand Goes Hobbit
From Wild WebMink

Air New Zealand Goes Hobbit

Their safety video is the first I’ve actually wanted to watch all the way to the end…

Triangulation And Butter
From Wild WebMink

Triangulation And Butter

Why should we care about protecting small items of personal data, such as our date of birth, parents’ names, post code and so on? Why does it matter when we’re...

Living No Longer Easy
From Wild WebMink

Living No Longer Easy

Summer Time has ended in Europe. That means no more fish jumpin’, daddy is definitely not rich and it would not be politic to comment on mamma. In addition, meeting...

CDB: Not Dead Yet
From Wild WebMink

CDB: Not Dead Yet

This zombie bill no politician seems able to kill is a pandora's box that will lead to a public panopticon.

Why I Left My Macbook For A Chromebook
From Wild WebMink

Why I Left My Macbook For A Chromebook

Maybe it’s just a lustful fling, but for now, the only laptop in my life is my 3G Chromebook. Read about it on InfoWorld.

Follow The Frog
From Wild WebMink

Follow The Frog

Love this video. Pass it on.

FLOSS Weekly on Baserock
From Wild WebMink

FLOSS Weekly on Baserock

I was co-host on today’s FLOSS Weekly episode, about the Baserock continuous integration system for Linux (and also the amazing 8 CPU/32 core Baserock Slab server...

Concentration of Power
From Wild WebMink

Concentration of Power

Hearing that Amazon had remotely wiped someone’s Kindle, I decided to investigate and find out if it had actually happened. It hadn’t, but what had happened instead...

About OSI
From Wild WebMink

About OSI

I recorded a short interview explaining OSI Membership while I was at Open World Forum. Thanks to for the opportunity to tell people how to join...

South Tyrol Soon
From Wild WebMink

South Tyrol Soon

Coming up on 16th November:  SFSCon in Bolzano, Italy. While we wait for the details, here’s a reminder of what the place is like:  

Be Still With Me
From Wild WebMink

Be Still With Me

Imogen Heap’s new song is probably the best so far on her gradually-emerging new album. Personally I’m ready for some “still” time.
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