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From Computational Complexity

What was the first result in complexity theory?

Let Z_d[x] be the set of polynomials of degree d over the integers. Let ALG_d be the set of roots of polys in Z_d. One can easily show that ALG_1 is a proper...

From Computational Complexity

My Once-Every-Four-Years Presidential Quiz/How Should Quizzes Work in the e-Era?

Every four years I post a PRESIDENTIAL QUIZ which I must update based on new information since we have a new prez and veep. The questions are here:here. I...

From Computational Complexity

My REU program/REU's in general/Flyers? Why do some Transcripts...

I run an REU program (Research Experience for Undergraduates) and I would normally urge you to urge undergrads who would benefit to apply to it and present both...

From Computational Complexity

Guest Post about the first Women in Computational Topology (WinCompTop) Workshop

The first Women in Computational Topology WinCompTop workshop was held in August at the Institute for Mathematics and its Applications (IMA) in Minneapolis, MN....

From Computational Complexity

Predictions for 2017

Lance's Complexity Year in Review, posted the last week of the year (lets hope that P vs NP is not resolved on Dec 31) is a tradition that goes back to 2002.  Bill...

From Computational Complexity

The very first Ramseyian Theorem

Many years ago I noticed that in several books on Ramsey Theory  mention that  Hilbert proved the first   Ramseyian theorem.  The theorem is the Hilbert Cube...

From Computational Complexity

Guest post by Samir Khuller on Humans, Machines, and the Future of Work (a workshop)

Guest Post from Samir Khuller on Humans, Machines, and the Future of Work (A Workshop) On Dec 5th and 6th I attended, at Rice University, a workshop on Humans...

From Computational Complexity

A students unusual proof might be a better proof

I asked a student to show that between any two rationals is a rational. She did the following: if x < y are rational then take δ << y-x and rational and use...

From Computational Complexity

Guest post by Samir Khuller about Visiting the Simons theory Inst for Computing

Guest post by Samir Khuller on his visit to the Simons Inst. of Computing Visiting the Simons Institute for Theory of Computing A few days back I had the good...

From Computational Complexity

Should I tell HS students that if they do well I'll write them a letter OR do I want them to ...

I teach a 3-week intense course for HS students on cryptography during the summer. Some of the students are very good, interested, and working hard. I also give...

From Computational Complexity

Did you do research when you were an undergrad? Well.. it was a different time.

Dan is a high school student who has worked with me and is now an ugrad at College Park DAN: Bill, did you do research when you were in high school? BILL: No...

From Computational Complexity

And the winner is... Harambe

Tomorow is the Election for Prez of the USA! This post is non-partisan but, in the interest of full disclosure, I state my politics: I will be voting for Hillary...

From Computational Complexity

My chair wants me to post about.. Mohammad Haj wants me to post about.. I want to post about...

Maryland is looking to hire lecturers and my chai  Samir  wants me to post it on my blog. I think he overestimates the power of the blog, however, here is the link...

From Computational Complexity

Exaggeration is one thing but this is....

This website is about the history of math and lists famous mathematicians. The ones from the 20th century are biased towards logic, but you should go there yourself...

From Computational Complexity

This university does not discriminate based on....

I recently came across the following (I delete the name of the school) and also add my own comments in caps as they relate to UMCP hiring of professors. X-University...

From Computational Complexity

Ideal courses for a comp sci dept/I'm glad we don't do it

I once heard it said: In our data structures course we read Knuth and ignore the proofs In our algorithms course we read Knuth and ignore the code. And indeed...

From Computational Complexity

A Second Order Statement true in (R,+) but not (Q,+)

In my last post I asked Is there a first order statement true in (R,+) but false in (Q,+) Is there a second order statement true in (R,+) but false in (Q,+) ...

From Computational Complexity

Give a second order statement true in (R,+) but false in (Q,+) or show there isn't one

Here is a logic question I will ask today and answer next week. Feel free to leave comments with the answer- you may come up with a different proof than me and...

From Computational Complexity

I have consulted four times. Really!

Those who know me know that I work on stuff that is not readily applied. Or perhaps not applied at all. Certainly my current state of knowledge does seem like it...

From Computational Complexity

Chrisitan Comment on the Jesus Wife Thing misses the important point

In 2012 a Professor of Divisinity at Harvard, Karen King, announced that she had a fragment that seemed to indicate that Jesus had a wife. It was later found to...
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