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From Computational Complexity

Conference on Computation and Journalism (Part I)

 (In honor of Boole's Birthday yesterday see this.) I recently (Oct 2 and 3 2015) went to a conference on Computation and Journalism (see here for their schedule)...

From Computational Complexity

A human-readable proof that every planar graph is 4.5-colorable

About 20 years ago I went to a talk by Jim Propp on the fractional chromatic number of a graph. (Here is a link to a free legal copy of the book on fractional graph...

From Computational Complexity

Amazon going after fake reviews but mine is still posted

I have always wondered why YELP and Amazon Reviews and other review sites work as well as they do since a company COULD flood one with false reviews (high marks...

From Computational Complexity

Moore's Law of Code Optimization

An early version of Moore's law is as follows: HARDWARE: The number of transistors on an integrated circuits doubles every 18 MONTHS. Moore's law is  often used...

From Computational Complexity

Is Kim Davis also against Nonconstrutive proofs?

Recall that Kim Davis is the Kentucky clerk who refused to issue marriage licenses for same-sex couples and was cheered on by Mike Huckabee and other Republican...

From Computational Complexity

Venn Diagrams are used (yeah) but abused (boo)

In a prior blog entry I speculated about which math phrases will enter the English Language and will they be used correctly.  I thought Prisoner's Dilemma would...

From Computational Complexity

When did Mathematicians realize that Fermat did not have a proof of FLT?

I recently came across the following passage which is about  Fermat's Last Theorem (FLT). Pierre de Fermat had found a proof, but he did not bother to write it...

From Computational Complexity

An Open(?) Question about Prime Producting Polynomials Part II in 3-D!

(Apologies- No, this post is not in 3-D) I posted last week about An Open(?) Question about Prime Producing Polynomails I got several emails about the post with...

From Computational Complexity

An Open(?) question about prime-producing-polynomials

Known Theorem: If f(x)∈ Z[x] is  prime for all nat number inputs then  f(x) is a constant. NOTE- Recall that if p is a prime then so is -p. Known Proof: Assume...

From Computational Complexity

Two candidates that I want to see run for Democratic Nomination

It has been noted that while there are 17 Republican candidates for the nomination, of which 10 have been declared serious by FOX News via the first debate, there...

From Computational Complexity

Interesting properties of the number 24 on someone's 24th wedding anniversary

The story you are about to read is true. Only the names have been changed to protect the innocent. The Alice and Bob below are not the crypto Alice and Bob. -...

From Computational Complexity

Have we made Progress on P vs NP?

While teaching P vs NP in my class Elementary Theory of Computation (Finite Automata, CFG's, P-NP, Dec-undecid) I was asked  What progress has been made on P vs...

From Computational Complexity

Ways to deal with the growing number of CS majors.

(Univ of MD at College Park is looking to hire a Comp Sci Lecturer.  Here is the link: HERE) Univ of MD at College Park will have 2100 students in the CS program...

From Computational Complexity

How hard would this cipher be for Eve to crack?

I've been looking at old ciphers since I am teaching a HS course on Crypto. We've done shift, affine, matrix, Playfair, 1-time pad, Vigenere, and then noting that...

From Computational Complexity

17 candidates, only 10 in the debate- what to do?

On Thursday Aug 6 there will be Republican debate among 10 of the 17 (yes 17) candidates for the republican nomination.1) There are 17 candidates. Here is how I...

From Computational Complexity

Explain this Scenario in Jeapardy and some more thoughts

In the last post I had the following scenario: Larry, Moe, and Curly are on Jeopardy. Going into Final Jeopardy: Larry has $50,000, Moe has $10,000, Curly has...

From Computational Complexity

Explain this Scenario on Jeapardy

Ponder the following: Larry, Moe, and Curly are on Jeapardy. Going into Final Jeapardy: Larry has $50,000, Moe has $10,000, Curly has $10,000 Larry bets $29...

From Computational Complexity

Hartley Rogers, Author of the first Textbook on Recursion Theory, passes away

Hartley Rogers Jr passed away on July 17, 2015 (last week Friday as I write this).He was 89 and passed peacefully.For our community Rogers is probably best known...

From Computational Complexity

Is there an easier proof? A less messy proof?

Consider the following statement: BEGIN STATEMENT: For all a,b,c, the equations x + y + z = a x2 +y2 + z2 = b x3 + y3 + z3 = c has a unique solution (uphere...

From Computational Complexity

Does Bob Deserve the lavish acknowledgement: A problem in Logic

Alice and Carol are real mathematicians. Bob is an English major who does not know any mathematics. (This story is based on a true incident.) Alice writesI...
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