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An Unintentional Sociology of Blogs Experiment
From Computational Complexity

An Unintentional Sociology of Blogs Experiment

Yesterday I posted a list of books that I want reviews of as SIGACT NEWS Book Review Column Editor. This resulted in an unintentional study of Sociology and Blogs...

From Computational Complexity

List of books I want reviewed

I have been the SIGACT NEWS Book Review Column Editor for a while now. Every issue I have a list of books that I WANT reviewed. This works pretty well, but I recently...

From Computational Complexity

The last Universal Mathematician was ???

The book Prime Obsessions has the following on Page 159:   You will see it written that Hadamard was the last of the universal mathematicians--- the last, that...

From Computational Complexity

You are coordially invited... Why?

When you get an invitation via email should you accept? How well targeted is it? Some real examples that I got.   EXAMPLE ONE: I would like to invite you toclick...

From Computational Complexity

Two Recent Complexity Books omit Mahaney's theorem- ovesight or wisdom?

In a prior post (a while back) I pondered if Mahaney's theorem (SAT \le_m S, S Spare, implies P=NP) should be taught in a basic grad course in complexity. I thought...

From Computational Complexity

The Journal Manifesto 2.0

Reminder: FOCS early registration deadline today. Go here Below is a revised version of the Journal Manifesto. I restate the key sentence from my last post and...

From Computational Complexity

The Journal Manifesto

Some people say that for-profit journals do not currently serve our community well. Some even think they cannot do so. Others think they are doing a fine job as...

From Computational Complexity

Debunking Proofs

One of the comments of the last post asked my (or someones) opinion on the proofs floating around that P=NP or P\ne NP. As a grad student I used to readWhat...

From Computational Complexity

My two cents on P vs NP

There have been several posts on blogs about P vs NP and two expository articles. Is there anything else to add. I'm not sure, but here are my 2 cents. QUESTION...

From Computational Complexity

Another Reason to goto FOCS: Theory Day!

  (Posted by request of Vijay V. Vazirani. Flame him for any spelling or grammar mistakes, or if you don't like the content.)   Another reason to goto FOCS:here...

From Computational Complexity

Possibly Recruits for the Polymath Primes Project

In the book The Man who Mistook his Wife for a Hat and other Clinical Tales by Oliver Sacks there is a true story about two twin brothers (John and Michael), both...

From Computational Complexity

Announcing a New Blog: Silent Glen Speaks

There is another Theory Blogger: Silent Glen. How can a blogger by silent? Sounds like a contradiction in terms! Hope its not a contradiction since she is already...

From Computational Complexity


I recently heard or read the following phrases. former cop killer ideal compromiser even prime numbers have their uses In each case it was ambiguous...
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