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The Reality of Twitter Puffery. Or Why Does Everyone Now Hate Bots?
From Apophenia

The Reality of Twitter Puffery. Or Why Does Everyone Now Hate Bots?

(This was originally posted on NewCo Shift.) A friend of mine worked for an online dating company whose audience was predominantly hetero 30-somethings. At some...

Panicked about Kids’ Addiction to Tech? Here are two things you could do
From Apophenia

Panicked about Kids’ Addiction to Tech? Here are two things you could do

Flickr: Jan Hoffman (This was originally posted on NewCo Shift) Ever since key Apple investors challenged the company to address kids’ phone addiction, I’ve gotten...

Beyond the Rhetoric of Algorithmic Solutionism
From Apophenia

Beyond the Rhetoric of Algorithmic Solutionism

(This was originally posted on Medium) If you ever hear that implementing algorithmic decision-making tools to enable social services or other high stakes government...

The Radicalization of Utopian Dreams
From Apophenia

The Radicalization of Utopian Dreams

Amazon Fulfillment Center, CC Scottish Government The following is a transcript of my lightning talk at The People’s Disruption: Platform Co-Ops for Global Challenges...

Your Data is Being Manipulated
From Apophenia

Your Data is Being Manipulated

Excerpt from “The Anatomy of a Large-Scale Hypertextual Web Search Engine,” Sergey Brin and Larry Page (April 1998) What follows is the crib from my keynote at...

Data & Society’s Next Stage
From Apophenia

Data & Society’s Next Stage

In March 2013, in a flurry of days, I decided to start a research institute. I’d always dreamed of doing so, but it was really my amazing mentor and boss – Jennifer...

How “Demo-or-Die” Helped My Career
From Apophenia

How “Demo-or-Die” Helped My Career

I left the Media Lab 15 years ago this week. At the time, I never would’ve predicted that I learned one of the most useful skills in my career there: demo-or-die...

Tech Culture Can Change
From Apophenia

Tech Culture Can Change

We need: Recognition, Repentance, Respect, and Reparation. To be honest, what surprises me most about the current conversation about the inhospitable nature of...

Failing to See, Fueling Hatred.
From Apophenia

Failing to See, Fueling Hatred.

I was 19 years old when a some configuration of anonymous people came after me. They got access to my email and shared some of the most sensitive messages on an...

When Good Intentions Backfire
From Apophenia

When Good Intentions Backfire

… And Why We Need a Hacker Mindset I am surrounded by people who are driven by good intentions. Educators who want to inform students, who passionately believe...

The Information War Has Begun
From Apophenia

The Information War Has Begun

Yesterday, Steve Bannon clearly articulated what many people have felt and known for quite some time when he told journalists, “You’re the opposition party. Not...

Why America is Self-Segregating
From Apophenia

Why America is Self-Segregating

The United States has always been a diverse but segregated country. This has shaped American politics profoundly. Yet, throughout history, Americans have had to...

Did Media Literacy Backfire?
From Apophenia

Did Media Literacy Backfire?

Anxious about the widespread consumption and spread of propaganda and fake news during this year’s election cycle, many progressives are calling for an increased...

Hacking the Attention Economy
From Apophenia

Hacking the Attention Economy

For most non-technical folks, “hacking” evokes the notion of using sophisticated technical skills to break through the security of a corporate or government system...

Heads Up: Upcoming Parental Leave
From Apophenia

Heads Up: Upcoming Parental Leave

There’s a joke out there that when you’re having your first child, you tell everyone personally and update your family and friends about every detail throughout...

Media: End Reporting on Polls
From Apophenia

Media: End Reporting on Polls

We now know that the polls were wrong. Over the last few months, I’ve told numerous reporters and people in the media industry this, but I was generally ignored...

I blame the media. Reality check time.
From Apophenia

I blame the media. Reality check time.

For months I have been concerned about how what I was seeing on the ground and in various networks was not at all aligned with what pundits were saying. I knew...

Columbus Day!?!? What the f* are we celebrating?
From Apophenia

Columbus Day!?!? What the f* are we celebrating?

Today is Columbus Day, a celebration of colonialism wrapped up under the guise of exploration. Children around the US are taught that European settlers came in...

There was a bomb on my block.
From Apophenia

There was a bomb on my block.

I live in Manhattan, in Chelsea, on 27th Street between 6th and 7th, the same block in which the second IED was found. It was a surreal weekend, but it is increasingly...

Be Careful What You Code For
From Apophenia

Be Careful What You Code For

Most people who don’t code don’t appreciate how hard it is to do right.Plenty of developers are perfectly functional, but to watch a master weave code into silken...
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