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TIME Magazine Op-Ed: Let Kids Run Wild Online
From Apophenia

TIME Magazine Op-Ed: Let Kids Run Wild Online

I wrote the following op-ed for TIME Magazine. This was published in the March 13, 2014 issue under the title “Let Kids Run Wild Online.” To my surprise and delight...

want a signed copy of “It’s Complicated”?
From Apophenia

want a signed copy of “It’s Complicated”?

Today is the official publication date of “It’s Complicated: The Social Lives of Networked Teens”. While many folks have received their pre-orders already, this...

Can someone explain WhatsApp’s valuation to me?
From Apophenia

Can someone explain WhatsApp’s valuation to me?

Unless you were off the internet yesterday, it’s old news that WhatsApp was purchased by Facebook for a gobsmacking $16B + $3B in employee payouts. And the founder...

“It’s Complicated” is dedicated to Peter Lyman
From Apophenia

“It’s Complicated” is dedicated to Peter Lyman

As people start to get copies of my book, I want to offer more context to the brief dedication at the front of the book. “It’s Complicated” is dedicated to my beloved...

blatant groveling: please buy my book
From Apophenia

blatant groveling: please buy my book

In less than a month, my new book – “It’s Complicated: The Social Lives of Networked Teens” - will be published.  This is the product of ten years worth of research...

Email Sabbatical: December 13-January 10
From Apophenia

Email Sabbatical: December 13-January 10

I call this year my year of triplets. Over the last few months, I had my first child, finished my book, and kickstarted a research institute. In planning this year...

Data & Society: Call for Fellows
From Apophenia

Data & Society: Call for Fellows

Over the last six months, I’ve been working to create the Data & Society Research Institute to address the social, technical, ethical, legal, and policy issues...

how “context collapse” was coined: my recollection
From Apophenia

how “context collapse” was coined: my recollection

Various academic folks keep writing to me asking me if I coined “context collapse” and so I went back in my record to try to figure it out. I feel the need to offer...

Upcoming Email Sabbatical: December 13-January 10
From Apophenia

Upcoming Email Sabbatical: December 13-January 10

It’s about that time of the year for me. The time when I escape from the digital world into the wilderness in order to refresh. As many of you know, I am a firm...

Keeping Teens ‘Private’ on Facebook Won’t Protect Them
From Apophenia

Keeping Teens ‘Private’ on Facebook Won’t Protect Them

(Originally written for TIME Magazine) We’re afraid of and afraid for teenagers. And nothing brings out this dualism more than discussions of how and when teens...

eyes on the street or creepy surveillance?
From Apophenia

eyes on the street or creepy surveillance?

This summer, with NSA scandal after NSA scandal, the public has (thankfully) started to wake up to issues of privacy, surveillance, and monitoring. We are living...

Baby Ziv
From Apophenia

Baby Ziv

Ziv Lotan Boyd was born into this world shortly after midnight on Sunday, July 28 after a movie-esque labor (complete with a NYC cabbie running honking like mad...

Choosing the “Right” Maternity Leave Plan
From Apophenia

Choosing the “Right” Maternity Leave Plan

As I prepare to go on parental leave, I’ve been forced to contend with countless well-intended people telling me how to “do it right” (or tsk tsking me as though...

Whistleblowing Is the New Civil Disobedience: Why Edward Snowden Matters
From Apophenia

Whistleblowing Is the New Civil Disobedience: Why Edward Snowden Matters

Like many other civil liberties advocates, I’ve been annoyed by how the media has spilled more ink talking about Edward Snowden than the issues that he’s trying...

where “nothing to hide” fails as logic
From Apophenia

where “nothing to hide” fails as logic

Every April, I try to wade through mounds of paperwork to file my taxes. Like most Americans, I’m trying to follow the law and pay all of the taxes that I owe without...

meandering thoughts on the NSA scandal
From Apophenia

meandering thoughts on the NSA scandal

As an activist, a geek, and a privacy scholar, I’ve been watching the NSA scandal unfold with a mixture of curiosity, outrage, and skepticism. I don’t feel as though...

Taking a vacation? Take an email sabbatical!
From Apophenia

Taking a vacation? Take an email sabbatical!

This post was originally written for LinkedIn; see comments there. Have you ever returned from vacation more stressed out than when you left? Is the reason because...

Challenges for Health in a Networked Society
From Apophenia

Challenges for Health in a Networked Society

thoughts on Pew’s latest report: notable findings on race and privacy
From Apophenia

thoughts on Pew’s latest report: notable findings on race and privacy

Yesterday, Pew Internet and American Life Project (in collaboration with Berkman) unveiled a brilliant report about “Teens, Social Media, and Privacy.” As a researcher...

Heads Up: Parenting Leave Coming Up
From Apophenia

Heads Up: Parenting Leave Coming Up

I’m a big believer in taking breaks from work, research, and my mediated life to travel, trek, and explore. Years ago, I implemented email sabbaticals to give myself...
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