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10GbE for HPC
From insideHPC

10GbE for HPC

Douglas Eadline has announced that he will moderate a wedinar dedicated to laying out the latest developments in 10GbE technology with respect to the HPC market...

Private Information on the Web
From The Eponymous Pickle

Private Information on the Web

Much of this is well known, but it is useful to get a reminder of how much information you thought was private is available out there. Be aware.

From The Eponymous Pickle


Completed Crowdsourcing: Why the Power of the Crowd Is Driving the Future of Business by Jeff Howe, who is a well known Wired writer. I did not know that Howe had...

Linux Foundation Collaboration Summit
From insideHPC

Linux Foundation Collaboration Summit

The Linux Foundation recently announced details of their third annual Collaboration Summit.

Taiwan U becomes CUDA center of
From insideHPC

Taiwan U becomes CUDA center of

From NVIDIA late last week comes news of the latest CUDA center of excellence NVIDIA Corporation and National Taiwan University (NTU), one of the world

U of Illinois Launches Parallel Computing Seminar
From insideHPC

U of Illinois Launches Parallel Computing Seminar

Found at HPCwire The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign is launching a 13-week seminar series on emerging applications for parallel computing, bringing...

Call centres and user-centred design
From Putting People First

Call centres and user-centred design

Robert Schumacher, managing Director of User Centric, has published a long article in the Financial Post of Canada on the user-centred design challenge of call...

Intellectual Privilege
From Wild WebMink

Intellectual Privilege

Speaking at conferences like (where I delivered a keynote last Friday) and OSCON is great fun. It's challenging to speak to an audience that's soLakoff...

Two Experientia workshops at the upcoming LIFT conference
From Putting People First

Two Experientia workshops at the upcoming LIFT conference

Experientia, in collaboration with the Vodafone User Experience team, is running two workshops on 25 February at the upcoming LIFT conference to present the results...

Book: Designing Social Interfaces
From Putting People First

Book: Designing Social Interfaces

Designing Social Interfaces Principles, Patterns, and Practices for Improving the User Experience Christian Crumlish and Erin Malone O’Reilly Media and Yahoo! Press...

Dissolving service design
From Putting People First

Dissolving service design

Dan Saffer, who together with Interaction-Ivrea alumni Jennifer Bove, recently started the interaction design studio Kicker, is working on a revision of his book...

Matt Jones on Dopplr
From Putting People First

Matt Jones on Dopplr

Artificial Intelligence Comes of Age
From The Eponymous Pickle

Artificial Intelligence Comes of Age

Good article in ComputerWorld on the current state of AI (Artificial Intelligence) . This time no mention that we will soon create intelligence as there was in...

Some Very Interesting AP CS Numbers
From Computer Science Teachers Association

Some Very Interesting AP CS Numbers

The number of students taking the Advance Placement Computer Science A exam has been increasing since 2005. In 2008 15,014 students nationally took this exam.Table...

Nielsen Suspends In-Store Metric
From The Eponymous Pickle

Nielsen Suspends In-Store Metric

Missed the press release on Friday: Nielsen Suspends PRISM Data System, apparently indefinitely, although they blame it on the economy, has to be in part because...

The OLPC versus the mobile phone - a false dichotomy
From Putting People First

The OLPC versus the mobile phone - a false dichotomy

Katrin Verclas of Mobile Active reports on the ongoing debate over the value of cheap and open laptops for users in developing countries as opposed to mobile phones...

SGI Sets Date for Q2-FY09 Numbers
From insideHPC

SGI Sets Date for Q2-FY09 Numbers

Silicon Graphics has announced that it has set a date to release its second quarter, fiscal year 2009 financial results.

Tesco and Twitter
From The Eponymous Pickle

Tesco and Twitter

The article below, and their web site, and on Twitter. Following them at this time, though there is too much buzz for my taste there. Tesco tunes in to the artCorrespondent...

University of Magdeburg to Deploy
From insideHPC

University of Magdeburg to Deploy

The University of Magdeburg of Germany has announced that MEGWARE Computer GmbH, the SiCortex partner in Germany, has been selected to install a new SiCortex 5832...

Butte Super May Pay off for Butte
From insideHPC

Butte Super May Pay off for Butte

We’ve recently been following the progress of a new supercomputing project spawned by the folks in Butte, Montana.
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