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Smarter World
From The Eponymous Pickle

Smarter World

IBM Video: Tale of a Smarter Planet on a smarter world, emphasizing global sensor interconnectivity and analytics to provide intelligence. Well done. Very high...

Paying the Turk for a Post
From The Eponymous Pickle

Paying the Turk for a Post

In the news this weekend has been the enlistment of fake reviews for the electronics company Belkin. Similar to pay-per-post, but here the going in assumptionastroturfing...

Mellanox IB Silicon on TYAN Server
From insideHPC

Mellanox IB Silicon on TYAN Server

Mellanox has announced that its ConnectX 40Gb/s Infiniband adapters have been selected for Landed-on-Motherboard [LOM] applications across TYAN’s S7017 server motherboard...

Will NCSA be stiffed on state funds to house Blue
From insideHPC

Will NCSA be stiffed on state funds to house Blue

Now, this is interesting, in a “gee I’m glad that’s not my problem” kind of way. Article on Friday of last week in the Chicago Sun-Times that gives broader voice...

Budget set for Japan
From insideHPC

Budget set for Japan

The Cheer HPC blog (a new blog that covers HPC happenings in Japan) has news from the Asian Technology Information Program website about the budget for Japan’s...

New HPC services, hosting firm announced in
From insideHPC

New HPC services, hosting firm announced in

UK-based EigenForge Limited came out of the closet, press release in hand on Monday of this week. EigenForge will focus in three areas of business 1) Fully Managed...

Digging into Data challenge announced, first deadline March
From insideHPC

Digging into Data challenge announced, first deadline March

From HPCwire Friday Today, a new, international competition called the Digging into Data Challenge was announced by four leading research agencies: the Joint Information...

UK Met Office super found to have a black
From insideHPC

UK Met Office super found to have a black

The TimesOnline ran a story last week about the UK Met Office’s new

Waiting in Line
From CSDiary

Waiting in Line

First blog from the Inauguration. The crowds are HUGE. Even for those of us with seated tickets, the lines for security screening are more than a mile long....

House Democrats have innovation on their
From insideHPC

House Democrats have innovation on their

The outstanding Computing Research Policy Blog has an analysis of what the Democrats propose to do with respect to science and computing to stimulate the economy...

Palm provides a case study in user experience strategy
From Putting People First

Palm provides a case study in user experience strategy

Very nice and in-depth review by Marek Pawlowski: Palm, which launched a new flagship device and platform earlier this month, is a company staring at the very real...

NVIDIA enlists CUDA services
From insideHPC

NVIDIA enlists CUDA services

Last week NVIDIA announced a new partnership with India-based Wipro Technologies to provide CUDA professional services. “We are approached by customers and ISVs...

Use Twitter or Facebook? Partial to blogs? Now you can get your SC09 fix however you want
From insideHPC

Use Twitter or Facebook? Partial to blogs? Now you can get your SC09 fix however you want

Fellow HPC blogger and Java chopper impresario Rich Brueckner from Sun is running social media for SC09, and already has things kicked off with a Twitter account...

Civil Nanotechnology
From The Eponymous Pickle

Civil Nanotechnology

In a post in the Foresight blog: Civil nanotechnology: Open source sensing in Seed magazine. The promotion of nanotech enabled open source sensors in the environment...

A Computer Science Honor Society?
From Computer Science Teachers Association

A Computer Science Honor Society?

Does your high school have chapters of any subject-specific honor societies, such as Mu Alpha Theta (math), Science National Honor Society, Tri-M (music), or one...

Tabor Research stands by positive HPC outlook in down
From insideHPC

Tabor Research stands by positive HPC outlook in down

Addison Snell at Tabor Research published an interesting read last week at the HPCwire blog. With the economy beginning to crash down around us, Tabor Research...

TotalView Adds Support For HP Cluster
From insideHPC

TotalView Adds Support For HP Cluster

TotalView Tech has announced that its flagship TotalView debugger now supports the HP Cluster Platform Workgroup System.

From The Eponymous Pickle


Now several times I have had the task of creating a collage of images quickly and easily. Typically I would have perhaps a hundred design images or so in a file...

Is the
From Putting People First

Is the

“Are experiences relevant in a recession?” asks Jonathan Picoult. The stock of Starbucks Coffee, long revered as a prime example of a consumer-focused, experience...

Nokia and Securitas to cooperate in bringing security services into mobile devices
From Putting People First

Nokia and Securitas to cooperate in bringing security services into mobile devices

Press release Nokia and Securitas today announced a new cooperation regarding mobile services for personal security and every day safety. Mobile devices already...
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