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Holiday Tech Gifts
From CSDiary

Holiday Tech Gifts

I’m writing this from Osaka, Japan, where I am waiting for the continuation of my flight to Taipei, Taiwan, for a meeting of the Taiwan-CMU-Berkeley iCAST research...

Washing Machine Twits When Done
From The Eponymous Pickle

Washing Machine Twits When Done

Home washing machines were major parts of our future homes. So when I saw this achievement I had to chuckle. Includes video. The communications idea is not new...

Scan IT! at Stop & Shop
From The Eponymous Pickle

Scan IT! at Stop & Shop

In aisle scanning continues, competing with automated checkouts. The claim is that 40% of people now use some form of automated checkouts. Here is another update...

The first weekend's links of 2009
From Wild WebMink

The first weekend's links of 2009

Propaganda war: trusting what we see?Interesting, insightful and informative article examining the propaganda war around the events in Gaza.A prediction that's"Excess...

Business Intelligence Blog
From The Eponymous Pickle

Business Intelligence Blog

Newly discovered: Business Intelligence Blog, by Doug Lautzenheiser

Sun sponsors HPC Symposium in the Great White
From insideHPC

Sun sponsors HPC Symposium in the Great White

From Sun’s HPC Watercooler comes news of a reason to travel to Canada this summer June 14-17 Sun is pleased to sponsor the High Performance Computing Symposium,...

The dangers of a monoculture for the future of
From insideHPC

The dangers of a monoculture for the future of

Joe Landman pointed to this presentation (PDF) by Paul Lu at U of Alberta on the emerging monocultures in HPC (x86, InfiniBand, Linux) and the risks posed by the...

A look at Tesla
From insideHPC

A look at Tesla

Doug Eadline over at ClusterMonkey got an early Christmas present from NVIDIA: a look at the year in Tesla technology: It is not often someone does our job for...

Buyology Presentation in Cincinnati
From The Eponymous Pickle

Buyology Presentation in Cincinnati

If you are in the Cincinnati area join us. I will be there. We are delighted to invite you to attend an exclusive presentation by Martin Lindstrom on his bestselling...

Leadership Cohort Update
From Computer Science Teachers Association

Leadership Cohort Update

During the time since the first Leadership Cohort Workshop in July, members have been busy with advocacy efforts in their various states. Previous blog posts by...

Mind Reading and Marketing on 60 Minutes
From The Eponymous Pickle

Mind Reading and Marketing on 60 Minutes

From the Neuromarketing blog, I see that there was a piece on brain scanning and its applications on 60 Minutes. Includes a link to the program itself. More about...

Jaguar Supercomputer Accepted, Cray Buys More
From insideHPC

Jaguar Supercomputer Accepted, Cray Buys More

Cray has announced that the one petaflop Jaguar supercomputer installed at Oak Ridge National Lab officially passed its acceptance tests at the end of 2008.

From Putting People First


Nearly by accident I discovered Nokia’s recently launched IdeasProject, an effort “to surface Big Ideas about the future of communications — and to show the many...

On futures and design
From Putting People First

On futures and design

Alex Soojung-Kim Pang, researcher director at the Institute for the Future, has posted a thoughtful essay on his blog about how trends in computing and design might...

Book Scanning Continues
From The Eponymous Pickle

Book Scanning Continues

Good article in the NYTimes on Google book search. The value of building a complete digital library. A settlement in October with authors and publishers has cleared...

Your last HPC book? The best HPC-related book
From insideHPC

Your last HPC book? The best HPC-related book

What’s the last HPC-related book you bought, and when did you buy it? What’s the best HPC-related book you’ve ever bought (you define “best” however you’d like:...

Neuroscience of the Self
From The Eponymous Pickle

Neuroscience of the Self

In Edge, an interesting essay:Self Awareness: The Last Frontier By neuroscientist V.S. Ramachandran. This is about how any thinking system ultimately considers...

Logic Programming
From The Eponymous Pickle

Logic Programming

I was just connected to a UK company called Logic Programming Associates Ltd. Which has a number of products including WIN-Prolog and VisiRule. The latter has...

CMU Mind Readers
From CSDiary

CMU Mind Readers

Research on machine learning — that is, machines that improve with experience — has made astounding progress over the past decade or so. Such research is very mathematical...

People-centred design in times of frugality
From Putting People First

People-centred design in times of frugality

The current economic recession is turning out to be very severe (The Guardian evokes the spectre of a 1930s-style depression), with rich countries being the biggest...
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