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Martin Wattenberg
From The Eponymous Pickle

Martin Wattenberg

Good overview piece on data visualization innovator Martin Wattenberg, with descriptions of his recent work. Previously on Wattenberg's work.

Top Small Business Trends
From The Eponymous Pickle

Top Small Business Trends

Steve King's Small Business Labs publishes their top ten small business trends for 2009.

interactions magazine: time for some change
From Putting People First

interactions magazine: time for some change

The January-February 2009 issue of Interactions Magazine has just been launched, which in itself is a celebration of the fantastic transformation of the magazine...

Science of Shopping
From The Eponymous Pickle

Science of Shopping

Broad article in the Economist on the topic of how retail is increasingly using the store as a laboratory to gather behavioral data about shoppers. Also aboutBrandsense...

From insideHPC


On Christmas Day, Microsoft published the details on a recent patent application geared toward pay-as-you-go computing.

Grabbing attention or building a reputation?
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Grabbing attention or building a reputation?

Daniel Tunkelang has been writing on the attention economy (here and here for example): everyone is fighting to have your attention, and you only have so much to...

Focussing on consumer needs is now more crucial than ever
From Putting People First

Focussing on consumer needs is now more crucial than ever

Tuning up your focus on customer needs is more crucial than ever, writes business and innovation strategist Idris Mootee. Customers always have problems to solve...

Fractals example in MPI on Windows HPC
From insideHPC

Fractals example in MPI on Windows HPC

Angel Lopez posts an updated example of the fractal HPC Server example code I updated my fractal example to support MPI.NET (Message Passing Interface with .NET)...

From The Eponymous Pickle


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Creative Thinking Outside the Pyramid
From The Eponymous Pickle

Creative Thinking Outside the Pyramid

Good detailed local paper article on Procter & Gamble's Clay Street Project. A previous Futurist article on this.

Future of Measurement Explored
From The Eponymous Pickle

Future of Measurement Explored

Kate Niederhoffer on the Future of Measurement a good overview and pointer to the full PDF. Interesting thoughts, worth a look. Personally I think that thereSocial...

The Risks of Numerical Models
From The Eponymous Pickle

The Risks of Numerical Models

Passed along by a colleague. A short article and podcast that makes a very profound point. No matter how sophisticated and mathematical a model is, if it doesThe...

We never invent anything new, yet progress is made!
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

We never invent anything new, yet progress is made!

Practical innovation explains how per-capita wealth increased eightfold during the last century. Yet, we are constantly reminded that we never invent anything new...

Wisdom of Crowds?
From The Eponymous Pickle

Wisdom of Crowds?

Colleague Sammy Haroon critiques the idea of a wisdom of crowds.

UPS Remarks on Supply Chains
From The Eponymous Pickle

UPS Remarks on Supply Chains

Global Supply Chains are not ready for challenging times. Many large companies have models of their supply chains. You would assume that it is just a matter of...

Asking for Too Much Information
From The Eponymous Pickle

Asking for Too Much Information

It is not only about privacy, it seems that consumes are making some interesting, even logical choices about risk and economics. In ECommerce Times:" ... According...

Defining Business Intelligence Terms
From The Eponymous Pickle

Defining Business Intelligence Terms

In the BeyeNetwork Colin White looks at the various implications of the business intelligence terms: Data, Analysis and Visualization. He covers a number of variant...

Changing Views of Business Intelligence
From The Eponymous Pickle

Changing Views of Business Intelligence

Continuing my review of alternative views of Business Intelligence, an article by Dave Wells: The Changing Face of Business Intelligence. " ... industry has strayed...

From insideHPC


Oak Ridge National Lab’s latest Cray supercomputer installation was recently completed.

Starbucks Tree Rings
From The Eponymous Pickle

Starbucks Tree Rings

Junk Charts shows a particularly bizarre misuse of data visualization design by Starbucks. Seems the visual designers would not use something as simple as a bar...
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