What does the future hold for eager, talented software developers, and people with related essential skill sets? Free/open source software (FOSS) offers considerably more richness of opportunity than anything else.
Some of the best minds in tech are in FOSS, and they are out in the open. You can study their code and read their writings. And when you're good it gets noticed.
FOSS powers large distributed science and research projects. It powers the Internet and the World Wide Web. It powers Google, Amazon, IBM's Jeopardy champion, and nearly all of the world's top 500 supercomputers. The cloud is FOSS-powered, as are the two best Web browsers that we use to interface with the cloud. FOSS powers cars, televisions, cameras, set-top entertainment boxes, agricultural machinery, high-end movie animation, industrial production lines, surveillance systems, and ever so much more. It truly is everywhere, from the tiniest embedded devices to the largest supercomputers.
FOSS fuels the modern economy, and that is where the growth and opportunities are.
From ITworld
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