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ACM Careers

System Detects Errors When Medication is Self-Administered

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person using an insulin pen

Wireless sensing technology could help improve patients' technique with insulin pens.

Credit: Getty Images

MIT researchers have developed a system to reduce patient errors when self administering medications using as insulin pen or inhaler.

The technology pairs wireless sensing with artificial intelligence to determine when a patient is using an insulin pen or inhaler, and flags potential errors in the patient's administration method. The researchers say the system, which can be installed in a home, could alert patients and caregivers to medication errors.

The researchers describe their work in "Assessment of Medication Self-Administration Using Artificial Intelligence," published in the journal Nature Medicine.

The system uses three broad steps. First, a sensor uses radio waves to track a patient's movements within a 10-meter radius. Next, artificial intelligence scours the reflected signals for signs of a patient self-administering an inhaler or insulin pen. Then the system alerts the patient or their health care provider when it detects an error in the patient's self-administration.

From MIT News
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