Credit: Nature Communications
Researchers at the University of Vienna and the University of Kaiserslautern have developed a method to accelerate the design of magnonic devices using a feedback-based computational algorithm.
Qi Wang, Andrii Chumak, and Philipp Pirro describe their approach in "Inverse-Design Magnonic Devices," published in Nature Communications.
The field of magnonics offers a new type of low-power information processing, in which magnons, the quanta of spin waves, carry and process data instead of electrons. A goal of the field is to create magnonic circuits which would be smaller and more energy-efficient than current electronic circuits.
Previous development approaches relied on trial and error. The proposed approach instead allows researchers to fix the parameters and objectives for the computer-designed devices. "With inverse-design one could develop neurons like the ones in our brain, but made out of magnonic elements instead," Pirro says.
From University of Vienna
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