The communication system will use solar panels as both data receivers and energy harvesters.
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Collaborators Harald Haas at the University of Strathclyde and Robert Schober at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg will investigate the use of point-to-point free space optical communications to provide an effective solution to the 'digital divide' through 6G communications.
The project will also explore communications on frequencies between 300 gigahertz and 10 terahertz, as well as optical wireless communications between 10 THz and 1 petahertz.
In addition, the research will examine the use of reconfigurable intelligent surfaces for all potential 6G frequency bands.
"Our goal is to have affordable free-space optical communications for 6G, in a framework which enables mesh and multihop networking to get around hills and obstacles," Haas says. "Our system is designed to be self-powered because we use solar panels simultaneously for power and data harvesting." The operational carbon footprint of the systems is zero, he says.
From University of Strathclyde
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