The system was evaluated tracking a bernedoodle around a 1,350-sq.ft. apartment.
Credit: Georgia Institute of Technology
Researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology developed the PetTrack system which uses a combination of sensors to tell pet owners where their animal is in real time. "PetTrack comprises two things: one is knowing the pet's indoor location, and second is trying to understand their activity," says Georgia Tech Assistant Professor Ashutosh Dhekne.
The device, which can be attached to a pet's collar, features ultra-wideband radio wireless sensors to determine the location of an animal from up to 100 feet away, and accelerometers to determine whether it is standing, sitting, or at rest. Users can view the information through a smartphone application.
"Combining where the pet is and what the orientation of the pet is, we can create a summary map of where the pet has been during the day and what activity the pet was doing," Dhekne says.
From Georgia Institute of Technology
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