A career-advancing slate of training options is central to IT recruitment and retention.
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Companies are finding that offering robust IT training programs and unique reskilling opportunities have mutual benefits: Workers are afforded career advancement and reinvention opportunities, while enterprises can organically develop much-needed technology skills in the face of an ongoing talent shortage. According to the 2023 State of the CIO, IT leaders are looking to shore up competencies in key areas, but say it is difficult to find qualified experts.
These and other factors have created a climate where training and career advancement opportunities are seen as a draw for employees. A Pew Research Center survey highlighted opportunity for advancement as a top reason Americans changed jobs in 2021. Of those who took positions elsewhere, 53% say they now have more opportunities for advancement, 53% are reporting an easier time balancing work and family obligations, and half say they have greater flexibility in their working hours.
"It's a win-win when you can get the long-term vision and growth of a company tied to individual career and professional development," says Mark Yunger, vice president, head of IT at Servier Pharmaceuticals. "From an individual's perspective, it keeps careers interesting and helps people grow with the organization. From a company standpoint, you minimize turnover and search and recruiting costs."
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