The telecom sector is India's third-largest industry, TSSC reports.
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India's current telecom talent gap of 2.41 million workers is expected to multiply by 3.8 times by 2030, according to a report by the Telecom Sector Skill Council (TSSC) and Draup. A key challenge is that only 40% of India's graduates in computer science, IT, and math are employable in the tech sector due to a mismatch between academic requirements and industry demands, says the report.
The report estimates that India will require 22 million skilled workers in 5G-focused industries by 2025, in areas such as cloud computing, robots, and the Internet of Things.
"India has a good chance to close the growing demand-supply [skills] gap by 2030 with the proper reskilling and hiring strategies," says Arvind Bali, CEO of TSSC. "This report gives a clear view of the current state of the sector and the possibilities ahead for the industry in terms of the potential workforce that we can leverage to narrow the growing demand-supply gap."
From CXO Today
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