There is a large and growing divide in terms of who gets to work from home. Research on job postings found that remote work is far more common for higher paid roles, for roles that require more experience, for full-time work, and for roles that require more education. Managers should be aware of this divide, as it has the potential to create toxic dynamics within teams and to sap morale.
A database of online job ads in the United States confirms that remote-work opportunities skew strongly towards the highly paid. These opportunities are also more common for those with more education and more experience. They are rare for part-time workers. On each dimension, the divide is much greater now than in 2019.
Statistics extracted from millions of job postings, and survey data as well, provide compelling evidence that the pandemic led to a new, large divide in opportunities to work remotely. The divide cuts sharply across groups of workers defined by pay levels, education, and experience.
From Harvard Business Review
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