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ACM CareerNews

How to Find Job Posts on Twitter

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Some employers and recruiters have turned to Twitter to post positions and find new talent for jobs that require specific technical skills. However, using Twitter to find new work opportunities isn't always a straightforward process, due primarily to the limitations of using only 140 characters to post new job openings. According to career experts who have experimented with Twitter, job candidates need to become familiar with Twitter hashtags, a symbol (#) Twitter users assign to their tweets that sorts them into different categories. Job candidates should also start compiling a list of Twitter handles (Twitter user names) that post helpful information about finding new jobs.

Twitter hashtags are indexed at, a comprehensive list of categories that users have created to help others find information on Twitter. The Twitter tags most utilized by job seekers include #jobs, #job, #jobseeker, #career and #careers. On Twitter, you can search for these hashtags by putting the symbol "#" in front of the phrase (for example: #jobs) when you type it into Twitter's search engine. The search engine will return tweets that have been assigned the #jobs hashtag in real-time.

To find specific job openings, use Twitter's search engine and type in the hashtag (#jobs) along with a keyword related to your expertise (e.g. "project manager"). Because recruiters and employers must deal with the 140-character limit, they may omit a keyword in their tweet. Thus, if you search too specifically on Twitter, you could miss some good posts.


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