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Keshav Pingali Recognized With Ken Kennedy Award
From ACM Careers

Keshav Pingali Recognized With Ken Kennedy Award

ACM has named Keshav Pingali of the University of Texas at Austin as the recipient of the 2023 ACM-IEEE CS Ken Kennedy Award, which recognizes groundbreaking achievements...

ACM Turing Award Honors Bob Metcalfe for Ethernet
From ACM Careers

ACM Turing Award Honors Bob Metcalfe for Ethernet

The Association for Computing Machinery has named Bob Metcalfe as recipient of the 2022 ACM A.M. Turing Award for the invention, standardization, and commercialization...

The Toxic Culture of Rejection in Computer Science
From ACM Careers

The Toxic Culture of Rejection in Computer Science

A toxic culture has emerged in conference program committees that carry out the bulk of the peer reviewing in computer science, where conference publications dominate...

Raghavan Recognized With 2021 ACM Doctoral Dissertation Award
From ACM Careers

Raghavan Recognized With 2021 ACM Doctoral Dissertation Award

ACM announced Manish Raghavan as recipient of the 2021 ACM Doctoral Dissertation Award for "The Societal Impacts of Algorithmic Decision-Making," a work on algorithmic...

ACM Recognizes 2021 Distinguished Members for Pivotal Contributions
From ACM Careers

ACM Recognizes 2021 Distinguished Members for Pivotal Contributions

ACM has named 63 Distinguished Members, selected by their peers for outstanding educational, engineering, and scientific contributions to the field of computing...

Bjarne Stroustrup Releases Paper on How C++ Thrived
From ACM Careers

Bjarne Stroustrup Releases Paper on How C++ Thrived

Bjarne Stroustrup, the 69-year-old creator of C++, describes the history and growth of the programming language in a new 168-page paper.

Vint Cerf Tweets 'Good News' on Coronavirus Recovery
From ACM Careers

Vint Cerf Tweets 'Good News' on Coronavirus Recovery

"Good news," Internet pioneer Vinton G. Cerf tweeted Friday that he and his wife are recovering from COVID-19, the coronavirus disease.

Predicting Women's Persistence in Computer Science and Technology Majors
From ACM Careers

Predicting Women's Persistence in Computer Science and Technology Majors

A new study examines factors predicting college persistence in computer science- and technology-related majors based on data from female high school students.

2018 ACM Fellows Honored for Achievements that ­nderpin the Digital Age
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2018 ACM Fellows Honored for Achievements that ­nderpin the Digital Age

ACM named 56 members as 2018 ACM Fellows for their significant contributions in areas including computer architecture, mobile networks, robotics, and systems security...

ACM Recognizes 2017 Fellows For Making Transformative Contributions and Advancing Technology in the Digital Age
From ACM Careers

ACM Recognizes 2017 Fellows For Making Transformative Contributions and Advancing Technology in the Digital Age

ACM has named 54 members ACM Fellows for major contributions in areas including database theory, design automation, information retrieval, multimedia computing,...

Acm 2016 Fellows Recognized For Advances That Are Transforming Science and Society
From ACM Careers

Acm 2016 Fellows Recognized For Advances That Are Transforming Science and Society

ACM has named 53 of its members as ACM Fellows for major contributions in areas including artificial intelligence, cryptography, computer architecture, high performance...

ACM Names 2014 Fellows for Innovations in Computing
From ACM Careers

ACM Names 2014 Fellows for Innovations in Computing

ACM has recognized 47 of its members for their contributions to computing. The 2014 ACM Fellows have achieved advances in computing research and development that...

ACM Awards Recognize Computer Science Innovation
From ACM News

ACM Awards Recognize Computer Science Innovation

ACM has announced the winners of six prestigious awards for their innovations in computing technology that demonstrate the benefits of computational thinking for...

From ACM News

Seven CS Researchers Selected For Recovery Act Early Career Funds

Seven computer science researchers supported by the U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Advanced Scientific Computing Research (ASCR) are among 69 scientists...

From ACM News

First Computer Science Education Week Targets Issues in Teaching Computer Science

ACM and its partners are launching Computer Science Education Week (CSEdWeek) to uncover and remedy the inadequacy of the nation's computer science (CS) education...

From ACM TechNews

­.s. Government Soliciting Broadband Experts

The Department of Commerce's National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) is seeking industry experts to evaluate grant proposals for its $4...

CS Project Team Aims to Increase Female Participation
From ACM CareerNews

CS Project Team Aims to Increase Female Participation

According to an ACM-W Ambassador in Turkey, one way to increase female participation in the computer science field is through the creation of international student...

From ACM News

Where's the 'c' in Stem?

While schools around the country are doing more to equip themselves with coursework that prepares students for the needs of today's workforce, on too many occasions...

From ACM Careers

Report Finds Large Gender Gap in Teen Ratings of Computing as a Career

An interim report issued by ACM and the WGBH Educational Foundation confirms a significant gender gap among college-bound students in their opinions of computing...

Cifellows Project Fosters Computing Innovation
From ACM Careers

Cifellows Project Fosters Computing Innovation

The Computing Innovation Fellows project announced by the Computing Community Consortium (CCC) and the Computing Research Association (CRA) will award grants to...
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