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Keshav Pingali Recognized With Ken Kennedy Award
From ACM Careers

Keshav Pingali Recognized With Ken Kennedy Award

ACM has named Keshav Pingali of the University of Texas at Austin as the recipient of the 2023 ACM-IEEE CS Ken Kennedy Award, which recognizes groundbreaking achievements...

The Toxic Culture of Rejection in Computer Science
From ACM Careers

The Toxic Culture of Rejection in Computer Science

A toxic culture has emerged in conference program committees that carry out the bulk of the peer reviewing in computer science, where conference publications dominate...

Bjarne Stroustrup Releases Paper on How C++ Thrived
From ACM Careers

Bjarne Stroustrup Releases Paper on How C++ Thrived

Bjarne Stroustrup, the 69-year-old creator of C++, describes the history and growth of the programming language in a new 168-page paper.

2018 ACM Fellows Honored for Achievements that ­nderpin the Digital Age
From ACM Careers

2018 ACM Fellows Honored for Achievements that ­nderpin the Digital Age

ACM named 56 members as 2018 ACM Fellows for their significant contributions in areas including computer architecture, mobile networks, robotics, and systems security...
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