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Stop Pouting About Tech's Next Big Thing, It's Here
From ACM Opinion

Stop Pouting About Tech's Next Big Thing, It's Here

It's easy to get jaded when you cover the technology industry.

Inside China's Version of Silicon Valley
From ACM Careers

Inside China's Version of Silicon Valley

On the outside, China's answer to Silicon Valley doesn't look the part: It's a crowded mass of electronics malls, fast-food joints and office buildings in northwest...

Israel's Idf Lures Female Recruits For Computer Corps
From ACM Careers

Israel's Idf Lures Female Recruits For Computer Corps

In Israel, like most of the world, the universe of computer whizzes and technology entrepreneurs is overwhelmingly male.

Wearable Gadgets Transform How Companies Do Business
From ACM News

Wearable Gadgets Transform How Companies Do Business

Big companies are putting wearables to work.

Web Giants Threaten End to Cookie Tracking
From ACM News

Web Giants Threaten End to Cookie Tracking

The end could be near for cookies, the tiny pieces of code that marketers deploy on Web browsers to track people's online movements, serve targeted advertising,...

Memo to Workers: The Boss Is Watching
From ACM News

Memo to Workers: The Boss Is Watching

Dennis Gray suspected that workers in his pest-control company were spending too much time on personal issues during the workday.

More Businesses Want Workers With Math or Science Degrees
From ACM TechNews

More Businesses Want Workers With Math or Science Degrees

A shortage of highly skilled U.S. technology workers comes amid mounting concerns over a national failure to produce sufficient numbers of talented science, technology...

Huawei Executive Talks About Cyber Security
From ACM Opinion

Huawei Executive Talks About Cyber Security

As the world's second-largest supplier of telecommunications network equipment, Huawei plays a part in the technology industry's efforts to ensure network security...

Why Aren't Women Interested in Computer Science?
From ACM CareerNews

Why Aren't Women Interested in Computer Science?

Growth in the share of women entering STEM fields has slowed down, according to a U.S. Census Bureau report. One of the main problems, say experts, is getting women...

In Digital Era, What Does 'watching Tv' Even Mean?
From ACM Careers

In Digital Era, What Does 'watching Tv' Even Mean?

We spend a full five hours and 16 minutes a day in front of a screen, and that's without even turning on a television.

When Google Brainstorms, Online World Shudders
From ACM News

When Google Brainstorms, Online World Shudders

Is Google about to do to online privacy what body scanners did to airline travelers?

Pictures Make Sense of Big Data
From ACM Careers

Pictures Make Sense of Big Data

Most people have trouble recalling strings of numbers that are longer than their phone numbers. So how do we begin to comprehend a hundred rows of data, let alone...

The New Era of Toy Robotics
From ACM News

The New Era of Toy Robotics

In olden times, the most an ambitious young tinkerer could hope for in a toy was to be able to stick one funny-shaped piece onto another. Kids built airplanes with...

Should Students ­se a Laptop in Class?
From ACM Opinion

Should Students ­se a Laptop in Class?

There's a widely shared image on the Internet of a teacher's note that says: "Dear students, I know when you're texting in class. Seriously, no one just looks down...

A Peek ­nder the Hood at the Brains of Self-Driving Cars
From ACM Opinion

A Peek ­nder the Hood at the Brains of Self-Driving Cars

What car maker today doesn't seem to have an autonomous car bumbling around its test lot?

Think You Can Drive a Bulldozer?
From ACM News

Think You Can Drive a Bulldozer?

As he closed the door, leaving me alone at the controls of a 41,000-pound bulldozer with list price of nearly $432,000, a Komatsu Ltd. executive shouted, "No worries...

A New 'dawn' in Exchanges' War on Hackers
From ACM News

A New 'dawn' in Exchanges' War on Hackers

When prices on some U.S. stocks suddenly zoomed one day last month and others unexpectedly plunged, stock-market officials set out to detect a possible computer...

Weather Channel Now Also Forecasts What You'll Buy
From ACM Careers

Weather Channel Now Also Forecasts What You'll Buy

The Weather Channel knows the chance for rain in St. Louis on Friday, what the heat index could reach in Santa Fe on Saturday, and how humid Baltimore may get on...

Hackers Called Into Civic Duty
From ACM Careers

Hackers Called Into Civic Duty

Cash-strapped cities are turning to an unusual source to improve their online services on the cheap: helpful hackers, who use city data to create tools tracking...

Fbi Taps Hacker Tactics to Spy on Suspects
From ACM News

Fbi Taps Hacker Tactics to Spy on Suspects

Law-enforcement officials in the U.S. are expanding the use of tools routinely used by computer hackers to gather information on suspects, bringing the criminal...
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