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At 17, App Builder Rockets to Riches From Yahoo Deal
From ACM Careers

At 17, App Builder Rockets to Riches From Yahoo Deal

Seventeen-year-old Nick D'Aloisio is taking some time off from school in London, where he lives with his parents. He will let mom and dad help manage his money.

Tracking Sensors Invade the Workplace
From ACM News

Tracking Sensors Invade the Workplace

A few years ago when Bank of America Corp. wanted to study whether face time mattered among its call-center teams, the big bank asked about 90 workers to wear badges...

Demand For Cybersecurity Jobs Is Soaring
From ACM TechNews

Demand For Cybersecurity Jobs Is Soaring

Demand for cybersecurity specialists is expanding at 3.5 times the pace of the overall IT job market, and grew 73 percent from 2007 to 2012, according to a Burning...

A Genetic Code For Genius?
From ACM News

A Genetic Code For Genius?

At a former paper-printing factory in Hong Kong, a 20-year-old wunderkind named Zhao Bowen has embarked on a challenging and potentially controversial quest: uncovering...

U.s. Ups Ante For Spying on Firms
From ACM News

U.s. Ups Ante For Spying on Firms

The White House threatened China and other countries with trade and diplomatic action over corporate espionage as it cataloged more than a dozen cases of cyberattacks...

Sewing Machines Go High-Tech
From ACM News

Sewing Machines Go High-Tech

The old-fashioned sewing machine is finally getting a modern makeover.

Brazil: The Social Media Capital of the ­niverse
From ACM Careers

Brazil: The Social Media Capital of the ­niverse

When Barbosa family members botched their cover of an old Brazilian gospel song last year on a family video, they thought it was pretty funny—funny enough to upload...

Inside Michael Dell's World
From ACM Careers

Inside Michael Dell's World

Michael Dell is close to finishing a risky $23 billion deal to take private the computer company he founded nearly 30 years ago, in an effort to remake Dell Inc...

The Trouble With Tinkering Time
From ACM Careers

The Trouble With Tinkering Time

It's the latest R&D trend: penciling in tinkering time on the company clock.

Facebook on Collision Course With Google on Web Searches
From ACM News

Facebook on Collision Course With Google on Web Searches

After years of collecting photos and personal data from its billion-plus members, Facebook Inc. Tuesday unveiled a search tool that sifts through people's profiles—and...

Must-Have Job Skills in 2013
From ACM CareerNews

Must-Have Job Skills in 2013

To win a promotion or land a job next year, experts say there are four must-have job skills that will attract hiring managers and recruiters: communications, personal...

Workplace Distractions: Here's Why You Won't Finish This Article
From ACM Opinion

Workplace Distractions: Here's Why You Won't Finish This Article

In the few minutes it takes to read this article, chances are you'll pause to check your phone, answer a text, switch to your desktop to read an email from the...

Silicon Valley Straps on Pads
From ACM Careers

Silicon Valley Straps on Pads

The San Francisco 49ers have a long tradition of borrowing ideas from Silicon Valley.

The ­ps and Downs of Making Elevators Go
From ACM Careers

The ­ps and Downs of Making Elevators Go

You press a button and wait for your elevator. How long before you get impatient and agitated? Theresa Christy says 20 seconds.

Time for a High-Tech Version of the National Guard
From ACM Careers

Time for a High-Tech Version of the National Guard

Just as the National Guard can be called upon to provide emergency relief, there are thousands of technology professionals ready, willing, and able to volunteer...

How to Reduce America's Talent Deficit
From ACM CareerNews

How to Reduce America's Talent Deficit

Brad Smith, executive vice president and general counsel of Microsoft, weighs in on what academia and industry can do to produce more graduates with the IT skills...

What's Gone Wrong With Hp?
From ACM Careers

What's Gone Wrong With Hp?

In 2010, Hewlett-Packard Co.'s then-chief executive Mark Hurd boasted the company was "the largest IT company in the world" and said "we are still not to our full...

In the Future, Who Will Need Teachers?
From ACM Careers

In the Future, Who Will Need Teachers?

Guitar teacher Erich Andreas works from a basement studio in Nashville, Tenn. His classroom, though, is the world itself.

In Des Moines, Turning Off Beacon Unleashes a Storm
From ACM Careers

In Des Moines, Turning Off Beacon Unleashes a Storm

A Des Moines television station has turned off the lights on the city's Weather Beacon, igniting a tempest among residents who were raised to look downtown for...

Meet the New Boss: Big Data
From ACM Careers

Meet the New Boss: Big Data

When looking for workers to staff its call centers, Xerox Corp. used to pay lots of attention to applicants who had done the job before. Then, a computer program...
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