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Global Database of Women Scientists Aims to Diversify the Face of Science
From ACM Careers

Global Database of Women Scientists Aims to Diversify the Face of Science

The Request a Woman Scientist platform was launched to provide an easy to use tool to increase representation of women scientists in the scientific community and...

Students Develop Safer Tagging for Better Data
From ACM Careers

Students Develop Safer Tagging for Better Data

A group of students at Duke are developing an open-source, open-hardware tag for marine animal research.

Statistics Student Improves WV­'s Baseball Analytics
From ACM Careers

Statistics Student Improves WV­'s Baseball Analytics

Joseph Cuomo, an industrial mathematics and statistics student, is helping West Virginia University baseball coaches analyze data on release location, pitch velocity...

Engineers Create 'Lifelike' Material With Artificial Metabolism
From ACM Careers

Engineers Create 'Lifelike' Material With Artificial Metabolism

Engineers have constructed a DNA material with capabilities of metabolism, self-assembly, and organization—three key traits of life.

Building a Printing Press for New Quantum Materials
From ACM Careers

Building a Printing Press for New Quantum Materials

Scientists at the Center for Functional Nanomaterials at Brookhaven National Laboratory are building a robotic system to enable the design, synthesis, and testing...

Group Decision-Making: More Information Isn't Necessarily Better
From ACM Careers

Group Decision-Making: More Information Isn't Necessarily Better

New research sheds light on the complexity of collective decision-making and uncovers new insights into the benefits of the internal structure of groups.

How WhatsApp, FaceTime and Other Encryption Apps Shaped the Outcome of the Mueller Report
From ACM News

How WhatsApp, FaceTime and Other Encryption Apps Shaped the Outcome of the Mueller Report

Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller III detailed multiple contacts among Russian operatives and associates of President Trump in the report made public Thursday....

Programming Languages: Don't Bother Learning These in 2019
From ACM TechNews

Programming Languages: Don't Bother Learning These in 2019

Codementor, a startup, has identified the top five programming languages not worth learning last year: Dart, Objective-C, CoffeeScript, Lua, and Erlang.

Data Mining Digs ­p Clues to Major California Earthquake Triggers
From ACM Careers

Data Mining Digs ­p Clues to Major California Earthquake Triggers

A new publicly available catalog with 10 times more California earthquakes than previously identified  will help seismologists better understand the stresses that...

Want a Tech Job? Silicon Valley Is Still Your Best Bet
From ACM Careers

Want a Tech Job? Silicon Valley Is Still Your Best Bet

While communities across the United States are trying to lure high-tech jobs to their areas, Silicon Valley's share of tech job listings is growing, not shrinking...

Creating a Cloak for Grid Data in the Cloud
From ACM Careers

Creating a Cloak for Grid Data in the Cloud

Scientists at Argonne National Laboratory are developing tools to facilitate cloud computing for power grid operations by masking sensitive data without compromising...

Optimizing Network Software to Advance Scientific Discovery
From ACM Careers

Optimizing Network Software to Advance Scientific Discovery

Brookhaven Lab collaborated with Columbia University, University of Edinburgh, and Intel to optimize the performance of a 144-node parallel computer and accelerate...

Robots That Can Sort Recycling
From ACM Careers

Robots That Can Sort Recycling

MIT CSAIL's "RoCycle" automated recycling system uses in-hand sensors to detect if an object is paper, metal, or plastic.

A New Recruitment Tool for Construction: The Joystick
From ACM News

A New Recruitment Tool for Construction: The Joystick

Plastic excavators, bulldozers and cranes fueled by imagination have long captivated toddlers. Now, the construction industry is trying to attract teenagers with...

Citizen-Science Data Supports Bird Conservation Plan
From ACM Careers

Citizen-Science Data Supports Bird Conservation Plan

An team of scientists used Cornell Lab of Ornithology's global citizen science database to identify and conserve habitat across the Western Hemisphere for birds...

Chemist Cultivates a Community of Young Scientists
From ACM Careers

Chemist Cultivates a Community of Young Scientists

Chemist Candice Halbert and other ORNL volunteers founded Yo-STEM to mentor middle school girls and show them the benefits of a STEM career. "I wanted to show girls—especially...

First Machine-Generated Book Published
From ACM TechNews

First Machine-Generated Book Published

Researchers at Goethe University in Germany developed an algorithm that was used by publisher Springer Nature to produce its first computer-generated book.

Scientists Predict 'Internet of Thoughts' Within Decades
From ACM Careers

Scientists Predict 'Internet of Thoughts' Within Decades

A Human Brain/Cloud Interface will give people instant access to vast knowledge and computing power via thought alone, experts predict.

Professor ­sing VR to Aid Learning Among Students With Autism
From ACM Careers

Professor ­sing VR to Aid Learning Among Students With Autism

Kennesaw State University professor Chao Mei is developing an innovative method of therapy for children with autism and attention deficit disorder.

West Palm Beach High Schoolers Receive Special Invitation to China
From ACM Careers

West Palm Beach High Schoolers Receive Special Invitation to China

Eleven seniors and juniors from Oxbridge Academy in West Palm Beach, Florida have been invited to attend the China International Technology Fair in Shanghai.
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