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Text Mining of Scientific Literature Can Lead to New Discoveries
From ACM Careers

Text Mining of Scientific Literature Can Lead to New Discoveries

Researchers at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory have shown that an algorithm with no training in materials science can scan the text of millions of papers...

Researchers Cast Neural Nets to Simulate Molecular Motion
From ACM Careers

Researchers Cast Neural Nets to Simulate Molecular Motion

New work shows that machine learning allows quantum mechanics to be efficiently applied to molecular simulations for drug development, detonation physics, and other...

India's First CP­s Are Ready for App Development
From ACM Careers

India's First CP­s Are Ready for App Development

The Indian Institute of Technology Madras has released the software development kit for its native Shakti RISC-V processor.

Students Are Choosing AI Over Computer Science as Job Prospects Change
From ACM Careers

Students Are Choosing AI Over Computer Science as Job Prospects Change

Changing demand for job skills is driving students at India's IITs to enroll in advanced engineering courses in artificial intelligence and machine learning.

Interns' Job Prospects Constrained by Noncompete Agreements
From ACM Careers

Interns' Job Prospects Constrained by Noncompete Agreements

Increasingly interns are being asked to sign noncompete, nondisclosure, and forced arbitration agreements that critics argue hamper young people's job opportunities...

Inside One District's Approach to Redesign STEM Education
From ACM Careers

Inside One District's Approach to Redesign STEM Education

Teachers in Tracy, Calif. are meeting this summer to redesign the district's approach to STEM education.

Data Science Salary Survey Reveals Market Shift
From ACM Careers

Data Science Salary Survey Reveals Market Shift

Frenzied demand for data scientists and predictive analytics professionals has gotten a little calmer over the past year, and salaries have remained relatively...

Theory Confirmation Leads to Breakthrough in Superconductor Science
From ACM Careers

Theory Confirmation Leads to Breakthrough in Superconductor Science

A Harvard/Argonne team has cleared up a decades-old mystery about the reverse Hall effect in high-temperature superconductors.

Essential Tech Career Skills Your CS Degree May Have Missed
From ACM Careers

Essential Tech Career Skills Your CS Degree May Have Missed

An executive panel identifies key professional skills graduates wouldn't necessarily learn in a computer science curriculum.

SoNIC Program Empowers Diverse CS Students
From ACM TechNews

SoNIC Program Empowers Diverse CS Students

Cornell University's SoNIC workshop, now in its ninth year, has exposed hundreds of minority students from across the U.S. to computer science, and to the prerequisites...

AI-Controlled Robotic Arm Packs Boxes, Cuts Costs
From ACM Careers

AI-Controlled Robotic Arm Packs Boxes, Cuts Costs

Rutgers University computer scientists used artificial intelligence to control a robotic arm that provides a more efficient way to pack boxes, saving businesses...

Drag-and-Drop Data Analytics
From ACM Careers

Drag-and-Drop Data Analytics

System lets nonspecialists use machine-learning models to make predictions for medical research, sales, and more.

4-H and Google Expand Access to Free Computer Science Education
From ACM Careers

4-H and Google Expand Access to Free Computer Science Education

A new $6 million grant from will help 4-H bring technology, resources, and training to rural and underserved communities in the United States.

The Gender Gap in Computer Science Research Won't Close for 100 Years
From ACM Careers

The Gender Gap in Computer Science Research Won't Close for 100 Years

Women will not reach parity with men in writing published computer science research in this century if current trends hold, according to a new study from the Allen...

­.K. Funds World's Biggest Educational Technology Research Project
From ACM TechNews

­.K. Funds World's Biggest Educational Technology Research Project

The government-funded U.K. Aid program is collaborating with British universities, scientists, and education specialists from across the globe, to build the world's...

AI Could Be 'Game Changer' for Detecting, Managing Alzheimer's
From ACM Careers

AI Could Be 'Game Changer' for Detecting, Managing Alzheimer's

Researchers are using machine learning to assess and manage Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia.

'Robot Blood' Powers Machines for Lengthy Tasks
From ACM Careers

'Robot Blood' Powers Machines for Lengthy Tasks

Researchers at Cornell University have created a synthetic vascular system capable of pumping energy-dense hydraulic liquid—"robot blood"—within robotic structures...

Misunderstandings of the Past
From ACM Careers

Misunderstandings of the Past

Our STEM problems of low percentages of women and minorities entering computer science may lay in a misunderstanding of the past.

Top Data Science Job Trends
From ACM TechNews

Top Data Science Job Trends

U.K. technology recruitment firm Harnham cites growing demand for data science specialists as the reason behind major wage increases as companies increasingly try...

Birth Order Influences CEO Risk-Taking
From ACM Careers

Birth Order Influences CEO Risk-Taking

Younger siblings often take more risks as chief executives, just like they did when they were kids trying to keep up with their older brothers and sisters, according...
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