From ACM Careers
Canonical's Open Documentation Academy aims to help newcomers participate in the open source community, offering mentorship and…
BNN| February 28, 2024
Robots already stand in for humans in some of the dullest and most dangerous jobs there are, handling everything from painting cars to drilling rocks on Mars.Ars Technica From ACM News | March 24, 2015
When Sagi Kfir meets people and tells them he is a "space attorney," they usually think he has a strange way of saying he is in real estate.The Wall Street Journal From ACM Careers | March 23, 2015
Earlier this week, researchers from Imperial College London announced that they had developed a way to make dialysis more effective for patients with kidney failure—inspired...The Atlantic From ACM Careers | March 20, 2015
DJ Patil was recently named the White House's deputy chief technology officer for data policy and chief data scientist, making him the first-ever national datacoined...Fivethirtyeight From ACM Opinion | March 20, 2015
When you hear the words "CGI" or "3-D animation," complex computer languages probably come to mind.The Washington Post From ACM Careers | March 19, 2015
Social networks offer an incredible tool for tapping into the collective unconscious, a virtual Jungian arena in which competition might be expected to amplify...The Atlantic From ACM Opinion | March 17, 2015
Some of the biggest hacking episodes of the last few years, from Target Corp. to Home Depot Inc., share a common thread. Microsoft Corp. platforms were involved...The Wall Street Journal From ACM Careers | March 17, 2015
"Chappie," the highest-grossing movie in America last weekend, is, to put it mildly, not a great film; the critics have given it a twenty-nine on Rotten Tomatoes...The New Yorker From ACM Opinion | March 13, 2015
DARPA has announced plans to research and develop tools for online privacy in an effort to help individuals, enterprises, and U.S. government agencies protect...DARPA From ACM Careers | March 13, 2015
Experts at the National Institutes of Health who track scientific studies at the interface of math and biology share a quintet of reasons why math is important...National Institutes of Health From ACM Careers | March 13, 2015
As much as patent and trade-dress lawsuits would like to stop it, getting to today's idea of a modern, mature smartphone was a collaborative effort.Ars Technica From ACM Careers | March 12, 2015