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Networks Reveal the Connections of Disease
From ACM News

Networks Reveal the Connections of Disease

Stefan Thurner is a physicist, not a biologist. But not long ago, the Austrian national health insurance clearinghouse asked Thurner and his colleagues at the Medical...

Tetris Creators Talk Virtual Reality, Touch Screens, History, E-Sports
From ACM Opinion

Tetris Creators Talk Virtual Reality, Touch Screens, History, E-Sports

As the second and final day of the 2015 DICE Summit came to a close, Alexey Pajitnov took the stage in a rare public appearance to talk frankly about the history...

Could a Robot Have Written This Story? The Rise of the Robo-Journalist
From ACM News

Could a Robot Have Written This Story? The Rise of the Robo-Journalist

At large news agencies where speed is crucial, template-style stories have long been used for company results, allowing journalists to simply key in the relevant...

The Biggest Hole in the Fcc's New Internet Rules
From ACM Opinion

The Biggest Hole in the Fcc's New Internet Rules

The people clamoring for tough, new regulations for Internet service—everyone from net neutrality activists and a few blue-chip companies to President Obama and ...

British Army Creates Team of Facebook Warriors
From ACM News

British Army Creates Team of Facebook Warriors

The British army is creating a special force of Facebook warriors, skilled in psychological operations and use of social media to engage in unconventional warfare...

Andreessen Horowitz Taps Into Thriving World of Programmers
From ACM Careers

Andreessen Horowitz Taps Into Thriving World of Programmers

With its recent investment in Stack Exchange, venture firm Andreessen Horowitz now counts three significant companies in its portfolio that serve the broad and...

Programming: Pick ­p Python
From ACM Careers

Programming: Pick ­p Python

Last month, Adina Howe took up a post at Iowa State University in Ames. Officially, she is an assistant professor of agricultural and biosystems engineering.

I'll Be Back: The Return of Artificial Intelligence
From ACM Careers

I'll Be Back: The Return of Artificial Intelligence

The artificial-intelligence industry, a field that conjures up images of humanoid robots and self-aware computer systems, is making a comeback at Silicon Valley...

China's Internet Population Hits 649 Million, 86 Percent on Phones
From ACM News

China's Internet Population Hits 649 Million, 86 Percent on Phones

China had 649 million Internet users by the end of 2014, with 557 million of those using handsets to go online, said a government report on Tuesday, as the world's...

Associated Press Looks to Expand Its Automated Stories Program Following Successful Launch
From ACM News

Associated Press Looks to Expand Its Automated Stories Program Following Successful Launch

In the last three months of 2014, the Associated Press published 3,000 articles on the earning reports of U.S. companies. Previously it could publish only 300.

Google Sweetens the Bug Bounty
From ACM Careers

Google Sweetens the Bug Bounty

Google's security team has a problem.

High-Def Radar Images Released of Near-Earth Asteroid
From ACM Careers

High-Def Radar Images Released of Near-Earth Asteroid

A team of astronomers using the NSF's Green Bank Telescope and NASA's Deep Space Network radar transmitter has released the most detailed radar images yet of asteroid...

How, and Why, Apple Overtook Microsoft
From ACM Opinion

How, and Why, Apple Overtook Microsoft

When Microsoft stock was at a record high in 1999, and its market capitalization was nearly $620 billion, the notion that Apple Computer would ever be bigger—let...

The '90s Startup That Terrified Microsoft and Got Americans to Go Online
From ACM Careers

The '90s Startup That Terrified Microsoft and Got Americans to Go Online

Nineteen ninety-five was the inaugural year of the 21st century, a clear starting point for contemporary life.

Privacy Challenges
From ACM Careers

Privacy Challenges

Just four pieces of information are enough to identify 90 percent of the people in a data set recording three months of credit-card transactions by 1.1 million...

Charles H. Townes, Who Paved Way For the Laser in Daily Life, Dies at 99
From ACM Careers

Charles H. Townes, Who Paved Way For the Laser in Daily Life, Dies at 99

Charles H. Townes, a visionary physicist whose research led to the development of the laser, making it possible to play CDs, scan prices at the supermarket, measure...

Alipay Leads a Digital Finance Revolution in China
From ACM Careers

Alipay Leads a Digital Finance Revolution in China

Not many years ago, Jane Yang, a 26-year-old civil servant in Beijing, paid her landlord in three-month installments with a stack of 100-yuan notes.

Satellites Can Improve Regional Air Quality Forecasting
From ACM Careers

Satellites Can Improve Regional Air Quality Forecasting

Satellites planned for launch during the next several years may play a role in forecasting air-quality worldwide. University of Iowa researchers say satellites...

Virtual Dissection Method Could Reinvigorate Zoology
From ACM News

Virtual Dissection Method Could Reinvigorate Zoology

Last summer, researchers demonstrated that non-invasive imaging combined with a staining technique enables the fast comparison and study of earthworm species and...

Citizen Scientists Lead Astronomers to Mystery Objects in Space
From ACM Careers

Citizen Scientists Lead Astronomers to Mystery Objects in Space

Sometimes it takes a village to find new and unusual objects in space.
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