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British Teenager Wins $100,000 U.S. Technology Fellowship
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British Teenager Wins $100,000 U.S. Technology Fellowship

He's been handed $100,000 (£67,000) to go and live in San Francisco and work on his own tech idea.

Inside the Drone Economy
From ACM Careers

Inside the Drone Economy

Last month the Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International, the unmanned systems industry's largest trade organization, released its first economic study...

Researchers at Parc Give ­S a Glimpse of the Future
From ACM News

Researchers at Parc Give ­S a Glimpse of the Future

It was a high-tech speed-dating session, Silicon Valley-style: I would sit in the storied memorabilia-laden Room 2306 in the bowels of PARC, the former Xerox research...

Sal Khan: 'i Love Learning'
From ACM Opinion

Sal Khan: 'i Love Learning'

"If there was a Ph.D. in learning everything, I would do that," the always-enthusiastic Sal Khan '98, MEng '98 said in a talk Wednesday at MIT's Kresge Auditorium...

What Is the Syrian Electronic Army Trying to Accomplish, Anyway?
From ACM Opinion

What Is the Syrian Electronic Army Trying to Accomplish, Anyway?

In June 2011, just a few short months after protests first erupted in Syria, the country's president, Bashar Al-Assad, made a speech in which he thanked a group...

China's Cyberspies Outwit Model For Bond's Q
From ACM News

China's Cyberspies Outwit Model For Bond's Q

Among defense contractors, QinetiQ North America is known for spy-world connections and an eye-popping product line.

What the Obama Campaign's Chief Data Scientist Is Up to Now
From ACM Careers

What the Obama Campaign's Chief Data Scientist Is Up to Now

By all accounts, Rayid Ghani's data work for President Obama's reelection campaign was brilliant and unprecedented.

Stephen Wolfram on Personal Analytics
From ACM Opinion

Stephen Wolfram on Personal Analytics

Don't be surprised if Stephen Wolfram, the renowned complexity theorist, software company CEO, and night owl, wants to schedule a work call with you at 9 p.m. In...

Smartphones Put a Translator in Your Pocket
From ACM News

Smartphones Put a Translator in Your Pocket

The days of madly flipping through bilingual phrase books while trying to converse with somebody in another language is fast giving way to a technological alternative...

Superhero or Supervillain?
From ACM Opinion

Superhero or Supervillain?

From invisibility to superhuman strength to telekinesis, a wave of emerging technologies promise to give people powers once reserved for comic-book characters.

Why iPhone Accessory Makers Love Bluetooth
From ACM Careers

Why iPhone Accessory Makers Love Bluetooth

Apple's closed ecosystem is losing the battle for how we connect our mobile devices to accessories as open solutions like Bluetooth dominate over Apple's proprietary...

Accessories No Longer Tethered to Apple
From ACM Careers

Accessories No Longer Tethered to Apple

For years, Apple's clout in the electronics world could be gauged by how easy it was to bump into devices tailor-made for a connection to an iPhone or iPod.

An Arduino-based Robot for People Who Don't Know How to Build Robots
From ACM Careers

An Arduino-based Robot for People Who Don't Know How to Build Robots

There are plenty of Arduino-based robots in the world, but actually building one is a bit tough if you're not familiar with Arduino programming.

From ACM News

How Today's Sensors Could Make Tomorrow's Cars Safer

Driverless cars haven’t hit the roads yet, but computers are already helping to slow down or stop a car in situations when a crash is imminent.

Monkey Math: Baboons Show An Ability To ­nderstand Numbers
From ACM Careers

Monkey Math: Baboons Show An Ability To ­nderstand Numbers

A new study at the University of Rochester shows that olive baboons can understand numbers and discriminate between different quantities as accurately as a human...

How Facebook Designs the 'perfect Empty Vessel' For Your Mind
From ACM News

How Facebook Designs the 'perfect Empty Vessel' For Your Mind

One day in March, I was sitting across from Facebook's design director, Kate Aronowitz, at 1 Hacker Way in Menlo Park when she told me, "It takes a lot of work...

New Research Could Let Vehicles, Robots Collaborate With Humans
From ACM Careers

New Research Could Let Vehicles, Robots Collaborate With Humans

Vehicles, robots, and other autonomous devices could soon collaborate with humans in ways that analyze their needs and determine the best way to achieve their goals...

New Chief at Intel Aims to Expand Chip Making
From ACM Careers

New Chief at Intel Aims to Expand Chip Making

Brian M. Krzanich, who on Thursday was named Intel's next chief executive, knows he faces a hefty challenge when he takes over the world's biggest maker of semiconductors...

High-Tech Camera Acts Like a Bug's Eye
From ACM News

High-Tech Camera Acts Like a Bug's Eye

The next generation of digital cameras could show us how bugs see the world.

Jony Ive, Ios 7, and What Apple Learned from Myspace
From ACM Careers

Jony Ive, Ios 7, and What Apple Learned from Myspace

While we don't know when iOS 7 will make its debut, here's what we do know: it will be the biggest reinvention of Apple's flagship OS in years—perhaps ever.
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