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The Company That's Buying ­p All the Key Pieces of the Online-News Ecosystem
From ACM Careers

The Company That's Buying ­p All the Key Pieces of the Online-News Ecosystem

In the past couple years, an ecology of sorts has come into being among online news sites.

Nate Silver: What Big Data Can't Predict
From ACM Opinion

Nate Silver: What Big Data Can't Predict

Statistician Nate Silver isn't famous because he's a mathematical genius. (Although, he is.)

Football's Top Teams Tap Into Burgeoning Data Bonanza
From ACM Careers

Football's Top Teams Tap Into Burgeoning Data Bonanza

Half-time football team talks used to be based around eating oranges. Now they can analyse real-time data and react to presentations.

Here's Why Bitcoin Is the Future of Money
From ACM Opinion

Here's Why Bitcoin Is the Future of Money

The interesting thing about Bitcoin isn't what it is today. What's interesting is that this experiment is turning into a serious proving ground for the idea of...

Online Ads Can Now Follow You Home
From ACM Careers

Online Ads Can Now Follow You Home

Advertisers already know what people are up to on their personal computers. But understanding their online whereabouts on smartphones or tablets has remained elusive...

How Would You Like Your Assistant – Human or Robotic?
From ACM Careers

How Would You Like Your Assistant – Human or Robotic?

More than half of the healthcare providers interviewed for a Georgia Tech study said  they would prefer a robotic helper to a human assistant, but were particular...

The Great Surveillance Boom
From ACM Careers

The Great Surveillance Boom

Video surveillance is big business. Expect it to get bigger. After law enforcement used closed-circuit television (CCTV) cameras to help identify last week's Boston...

Why the Anatomy Lab Remains a Fixture of Medicine
From ACM Careers

Why the Anatomy Lab Remains a Fixture of Medicine

For hundreds of years, physicians have been dissecting the dead to learn about the inner workings of the human body.

Samsung Demos a Tablet Controlled By Your Brain
From ACM News

Samsung Demos a Tablet Controlled By Your Brain

One day, we may be able to check email or call a friend without ever touching a screen or even speaking to a disembodied helper.

Bill For Compulsory Science Fiction in West Virginia Schools
From ACM Opinion

Bill For Compulsory Science Fiction in West Virginia Schools

A bill calling for science fiction to be made compulsory reading in schools has been proposed by a politician in West Virginia in order to "stimulate interest in...

From Hackers to Security Experts, the Balkan It Sector Is Booming
From ACM Careers

From Hackers to Security Experts, the Balkan It Sector Is Booming

After hacking the Pentagon, NASA and Britain's Royal Navy for fun, TinKode got a real job as a computer security expert for a Romanian cyber safety consultancy.

How Ray Kurzweil Will Help Google Make the ­ltimate AI Brain
From ACM Opinion

How Ray Kurzweil Will Help Google Make the ­ltimate AI Brain

Google has always been an artificial intelligence company, so it really shouldn't have been a surprise that Ray Kurzweil, one of the leading scientists in the field...

From ACM Careers

A Simple Way to Turn Any Lcd Into a Touch Screen

Electromagnetic interference can screw up cell phone and radio reception. But it may also be the key to cheaply transforming regular LCD screens into touch- and...

With Wave of the Hand, Carnegie Mellon Researchers Create Touch-Based Interfaces
From ACM Careers

With Wave of the Hand, Carnegie Mellon Researchers Create Touch-Based Interfaces

Researchers previously have shown that a depth camera system, such as Kinect, can be combined with a projector to turn almost any surface into a touchscreen. But...

Infer Promises More Sales Through Better Math
From ACM Careers

Infer Promises More Sales Through Better Math

It’s hard to take Vik Singh seriously as he talks about his mathematical formula to boost almost any company's sales.

The Martian Chroniclers
From ACM News

The Martian Chroniclers

There once were two planets, new to the galaxy and inexperienced in life. Like fraternal twins, they were born at the same time, about four and a half billion years...

In the Virtual Cockpit: What It Takes to Fly a Drone
From ACM Careers

In the Virtual Cockpit: What It Takes to Fly a Drone

Drone pilots escape the physical demands and dangers of a traditional cockpit. There's no g-force pinning them to their seats, no uncomfortable pressure suit to...

Big Tech Is Struggling With Old Age
From ACM Careers

Big Tech Is Struggling With Old Age

At its heart, the tech industry is about the new.

It's Getting Harder to Make Money on Youtube
From ACM Careers

It's Getting Harder to Make Money on Youtube

Despite success stories about YouTube sensations such as Jenna Marbles, the vast majority of the site's users probably don’t think of it as a place to earn money...

Meet the Woman Who Launched a Billion Clicks
From ACM Careers

Meet the Woman Who Launched a Billion Clicks

Designer Susan Kare is the icon of icons. Her presence, as screen graphics and digital font designer at Apple in the '80s, helped establish the paradigm of icons...
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