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A Chinese Internet Giant Starts to Dream
From ACM News

A Chinese Internet Giant Starts to Dream

Punk bands from Blondie to the Ramones once played in Broadway Studios, an age-worn 95-year-old neoclassical building surrounded by strip clubs in San Francisco’s...

Enabling a New Future For Cloud Computing
From ACM Careers

Enabling a New Future For Cloud Computing

The U.S. National Science Foundation has announced two $10 million projects to create cloud computing testbeds that will enable the research community to develop...

Acme Project Will Develop Accurate Earth System Models
From ACM Careers

Acme Project Will Develop Accurate Earth System Models

The U.S. Department of Energy's national laboratories will develop the most complete climate and Earth system model to help address climate change issues.

Listening In: The Navy Is Tracking Ocean Sounds Collected By Scientists
From ACM News

Listening In: The Navy Is Tracking Ocean Sounds Collected By Scientists

In a retired shore station for transpacific communications cables on the western coast of Vancouver Island sits a military computer in a padlocked cage.

Vast Majority of Hackers Believe They're Above the Law—survey
From ACM News

Vast Majority of Hackers Believe They're Above the Law—survey

When most hackers are infiltrating computer systems, the last thing on their mind is getting caught, according to new data.

As Data Overflows Online, Researchers Grapple With Ethics
From ACM News

As Data Overflows Online, Researchers Grapple With Ethics

Scholars are exhilarated by the prospect of tapping into the vast troves of personal data collected by Facebook, Google, Amazon, and a host of start-ups, which...

Siri's Inventors Are Building a Radical New AI That Does Anything You Ask
From ACM News

Siri's Inventors Are Building a Radical New AI That Does Anything You Ask

When Apple announced the iPhone 4S on October 4, 2011, the headlines were not about its speedy A5 chip or improved camera.

Founder of America's Biggest Hacker Conference: 'we ­nderstand the Threat Now'
From ACM Opinion

Founder of America's Biggest Hacker Conference: 'we ­nderstand the Threat Now'

For one weekend every year, thousands of the world’s best—or worst, depending on your point of view—hackers meet in Las Vegas, Nevada, for Defcon.

Artificial Intelligence Will Not Turn Into a Frankenstein's Monster
From ACM Opinion

Artificial Intelligence Will Not Turn Into a Frankenstein's Monster

The singularity—or, to give it its proper title, the technological singularity. It's an idea that has taken on a life of its own; more of a life, I suspect, than...

When Hackers Test For Flaws, They Might Earn Cash—or Threats
From ACM Careers

When Hackers Test For Flaws, They Might Earn Cash—or Threats

To hack or not to hack?

Meet the Puzzle Mastermind Who Designs Def Con's Hackable Badges
From ACM Careers

Meet the Puzzle Mastermind Who Designs Def Con's Hackable Badges

Def Con is one of the world's biggest hacker conventions, an annual gathering of security experts, cryptographers and at least a few people who could surreptitiously...

Arrogance Is Good: In Defense of Silicon Valley
From ACM Careers

Arrogance Is Good: In Defense of Silicon Valley

Sam Altman sits behind his desk with his knees pulled up to his chest, eating dried apricots.

Hacker Says to Show Passenger Jets at Risk of Cyber Attack
From ACM News

Hacker Says to Show Passenger Jets at Risk of Cyber Attack

Cyber security researcher Ruben Santamarta says he has figured out how to hack the satellite communications equipment on passenger jets through their WiFi and inflight...

Fiendish Million-Dollar Proof Eludes Mathematicians
From ACM News

Fiendish Million-Dollar Proof Eludes Mathematicians

Is a solution to one of the most important, beautiful and potentially lucrative problems in mathematics right around the corner?

Rosetta Spacecraft Set For ­nprecedented Close Study of a Comet
From ACM News

Rosetta Spacecraft Set For ­nprecedented Close Study of a Comet

After 10 years and four billion miles, the European Space Agency's Rosetta spacecraft will arrive at its destination on Wednesday for the first extended, close...

Space Agencies Battle to Keep Mars Mission on Track
From ACM Careers

Space Agencies Battle to Keep Mars Mission on Track

Delays and funding problems are threatening to push back the planned launch of ExoMars, a European and Russian rover designed to search for life on the red planet...

The Data Centers of Tomorrow Will ­se the Same Tech Our Phones Do
From ACM Opinion

The Data Centers of Tomorrow Will ­se the Same Tech Our Phones Do

The mobile revolution has spread beyond the mini supercomputers in our hands all the way to the data center.

Where Tech Is Taking ­s: A Conversation With Intel's Genevieve Bell
From ACM Opinion

Where Tech Is Taking ­s: A Conversation With Intel's Genevieve Bell

Genevieve Bell grew up among Aboriginal people in Australia, taught anthropology at Stanford and for the past 16 years has worked for Intel.

How Times Square Works
From ACM News

How Times Square Works

When we stepped out onto the roof, the wind whipped me sideways, and it took me a second to get my bearings.

Why Many Programmers Don't Bother Joining the ACM
From ACM Opinion

Why Many Programmers Don't Bother Joining the ACM

Earlier this month Vint Cerf, co-creator of the TCP/IP protocol and current Google vice president, openly asked professional programmers for feedback regarding...
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