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Can Killer Robots Learn to Follow the Rules of War?
From ACM News

Can Killer Robots Learn to Follow the Rules of War?

As Memorial Day reminds us every year, war doesn't go away.

How Statisticians Found Air France Flight 447 Two Years After It Crashed Into Atlantic
From ACM News

How Statisticians Found Air France Flight 447 Two Years After It Crashed Into Atlantic

"In the early morning hours of June 1, 2009, Air France Flight AF 447, with 228 passengers and crew aboard, disappeared during stormy weather over the Atlantic...

Google ­ses Artificial Brains to Teach Its Data Centers How to Behave
From ACM News

Google ­ses Artificial Brains to Teach Its Data Centers How to Behave

At Google, artificial intelligence isn't just a means of building cars that drive on their own, smartphone services that respond to the spoken word, and online...

Get Ready for the Computers of the Future
From ACM Careers

Get Ready for the Computers of the Future

Computing experts at Sandia National Laboratories have launched an effort to help discover what computers of the future might look like.

Meet the People Behind the Wayback Machine, One of Our Favorite Things About the Internet
From ACM Opinion

Meet the People Behind the Wayback Machine, One of Our Favorite Things About the Internet

Brewster Kahle is quick to point out that we are not standing inside a former Scientology church.

Swarm and Fuzzy
From ACM News

Swarm and Fuzzy

When the first human colonists land on Mars several decades from now, their habitat will already be waiting.

Belgium Desperately Seeking Cybersecurity Czar
From ACM Careers

Belgium Desperately Seeking Cybersecurity Czar

At the tail end of a bruising 2013, Belgium's government decided it had had enough.

The Trouble With IBM
From ACM News

The Trouble With IBM

In the summer of 2012, five American technology companies bid on a project for a demanding new client: the CIA.

Secrets, Lies and Snowden's Email: Why I Was Forced to Shut Down Lavabit
From ACM Opinion

Secrets, Lies and Snowden's Email: Why I Was Forced to Shut Down Lavabit

My legal saga started last summer with a knock at the door, behind which stood two federal agents ready to to serve me with a court order requiring the installation...

The Age of Quantum Computing Has (almost) Arrived
From ACM News

The Age of Quantum Computing Has (almost) Arrived

Google owns a lot of computers—perhaps a million servers stitched together into the fastest, most powerful artificial intelligence on the planet.

Construction to Begin on 2016 NASA Mars Lander
From ACM News

Construction to Begin on 2016 NASA Mars Lander

NASA and its international partners now have the go-ahead to begin construction on a new Mars lander, after it completed a successful Mission Critical Design Review...

Coding Schools Tone Down Rosy Job Script
From ACM Careers

Coding Schools Tone Down Rosy Job Script

Learn to code. Get a job. Then what?

Forging a Qubit to Rule Them All
From ACM News

Forging a Qubit to Rule Them All

Peering into his cabinet of curiosities on a recent spring day, Bob Willett, a scientist at Bell Labs in Murray Hill, N.J., nimbly plucked a tiny black crystal...

Quantum Simulator Gives Clues About Magnetism
From ACM Careers

Quantum Simulator Gives Clues About Magnetism

Researchers at the University of Toronto's Ultracold Atoms Lab are using gas a billion times colder than air to study how electrons behave.

IBM's Watson Gains Presence at Top Technical ­niversities
From ACM TechNews

IBM's Watson Gains Presence at Top Technical ­niversities

IBM recently announced it is partnering with several top U.S. technology universities to launch cognitive computing courses that give students access to its Watson...

Who Watches the Watchers? Big Data Goes ­nchecked
From ACM Opinion

Who Watches the Watchers? Big Data Goes ­nchecked

The National Security Agency might be tracking your phone calls. But private industry is prying far more deeply into your life.

Gchq-Backed Competition Seeks New Recruits
From ACM Careers

Gchq-Backed Competition Seeks New Recruits

Dubbed the Cyber Security Challenge, contestants will participate in various cyber-battles.

The Brain: Key to a Better Computer
From ACM Careers

The Brain: Key to a Better Computer

Sandia is conducting long-term research that seeks to develop algorithms for computers that function more like a brain than a conventional computer.

A Sad Day
From ACM Opinion

A Sad Day

We lost Nereus today

Some Predictions About the Internet of Things and Wearable Tech From Pew Research
From ACM News

Some Predictions About the Internet of Things and Wearable Tech From Pew Research

Remember the prediction that one day your oven would be connected to the Internet and have the ability to talk to your car?
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