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Bend It, Charge It, Dunk It: Graphene, the Material of Tomorrow
From ACM News

Bend It, Charge It, Dunk It: Graphene, the Material of Tomorrow

I just want to say one word to you. Just one word.

New 'switch' Could Power Quantum Computing
From ACM Careers

New 'switch' Could Power Quantum Computing

A light lattice that traps atoms may help scientists build networks of quantum information transmitters.

Call of Cyber Duty: Military Academies Take on Nsa
From ACM Careers

Call of Cyber Duty: Military Academies Take on Nsa

If Douglas MacArthur or Ulysses S. Grant went to the U.S. Military Academy today, they might be testing their defensive skills hunched in front of a computer screen...

Hard Disk Pioneer Stuart Parkin Wins Millennium Prize
From ACM News

Hard Disk Pioneer Stuart Parkin Wins Millennium Prize

Prof Stuart Parkin developed a type of data-reading head capable of detecting weaker and smaller signals than had previously been possible.

Russia Offers to Develop Supercomputer with India to Counter Chinese Supremacy
From ACM Careers

Russia Offers to Develop Supercomputer with India to Counter Chinese Supremacy

Russian supercomputing company RSC Group and the Russian Academy of Sciences have proposed collaboration with India to set up supercomputing facilities that will...

Groundbreaking Optical Device Could Enhance Optical Information Processing, Computers
From ACM Careers

Groundbreaking Optical Device Could Enhance Optical Information Processing, Computers

Researchers at Washington University in St. Louis have built an optical device that could be an essential component of new computers that would run on light.

The Complexonaut
From ACM Opinion

The Complexonaut

When he was in elementary school, Scott Aaronson, like many mathematically precocious kids of his generation, dreamed of making his own video games.

Ouch! Computer System Spots Fake Expressions of Pain Better Than People
From ACM Careers

Ouch! Computer System Spots Fake Expressions of Pain Better Than People

A new study has found that a computer-vision system can distinguish between real or faked expressions of pain more accurately than can humans. The system may...

A Wireless Network That Streams a Thousand Times Faster?
From ACM Careers

A Wireless Network That Streams a Thousand Times Faster?

Though smartphone plans seem to only be growing more expensive, it may not feel like the quality and speed of service has followed suit.

Wanna Build a Rocket? Nasa's About to Give Away a Mountain of Its Code
From ACM News

Wanna Build a Rocket? Nasa's About to Give Away a Mountain of Its Code

Forty years after Apollo 11 landed on the moon, NASA open sourced the software code that ran the guidance systems on the lunar module.

Exomars Scientists Narrow Down Landing Sites
From ACM News

Exomars Scientists Narrow Down Landing Sites

Scientists have picked four potential landing sites for a European rover designed to search for life on Mars.

Supercomputers Pin Down Primordial Plasma
From ACM Careers

Supercomputers Pin Down Primordial Plasma

Successive generations of IBM Blue Gene supercomputer have helped Brookhaven Lab precisely model subatomic interactions.

In New Case, Supreme Court Revisits the Question of Software Patents
From ACM News

In New Case, Supreme Court Revisits the Question of Software Patents

If you write a book or a song, you can get copyright protection for it. If you invent a pill or a better mousetrap, you can patent it.

Search For Lost Jet Is Complicated By Geopolitics and Rivalries
From ACM News

Search For Lost Jet Is Complicated By Geopolitics and Rivalries

The frantic hunt for Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 has been, in one way, a nearly miraculous display of international collaboration: 26 nations, many of them rivals...

Five Ways to Make Sure We Never Lose a Plane Again
From ACM Opinion

Five Ways to Make Sure We Never Lose a Plane Again

For the past few weeks the world's attention has been focussed on the lost Malaysia Airlines plane and its 239 passengers and crew that has apparently crashed in...

Cyber-Attacks Increase Leads to Jobs Boom
From ACM Careers

Cyber-Attacks Increase Leads to Jobs Boom

As the number and sophistication of cyber-attacks increase, so too does the demand for people who can prevent such digital incursions.

NSF Grant Will Build Faster, More Efficient Supercomputer Prototype
From ACM Careers

NSF Grant Will Build Faster, More Efficient Supercomputer Prototype

The U.S. National Science Foundation has awarded a $500,000 grant to researchers at Texas Tech University to develop a new supercomputer prototype that could...

College Basketball Data Aplenty for Those Who Can Afford It
From ACM Careers

College Basketball Data Aplenty for Those Who Can Afford It

When Butler fell a precious few inches short of winning a national championship in 2010, its players took the court during that season believing they were the most...

N.S.A. Breached Chinese Servers Seen as Security Threat
From ACM News

N.S.A. Breached Chinese Servers Seen as Security Threat

American officials have long considered Huawei, the Chinese telecommunications giant, a security threat, blocking it from business deals in the United States for...

Could Diamonds Be a Computer's Best Friend?
From ACM Careers

Could Diamonds Be a Computer's Best Friend?

For the first time, physicists have demonstrated that information can flow through a diamond wire. Their experiment reveals that diamond wires could one day be...
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