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Times Have Changed For the Wristwatch Industry
From ACM Careers

Times Have Changed For the Wristwatch Industry

It showed 12:17 p.m. on all of the timepieces carried by students and young workers taking a break around a coffee table at Johnson County Community College.

Why Google Maps Is Better Than Apple Maps
From ACM Opinion

Why Google Maps Is Better Than Apple Maps

There's a simple answer: people.

From ACM Opinion

I Am Not Big Brother

I've grown accustomed to reading inaccurate accounts of my day job. I'm in political data.

Workplace Distractions: Here's Why You Won't Finish This Article
From ACM Opinion

Workplace Distractions: Here's Why You Won't Finish This Article

In the few minutes it takes to read this article, chances are you'll pause to check your phone, answer a text, switch to your desktop to read an email from the...

Youtube's New Los Angeles Complex 'a Wonderland' For Aspiring Film-Makers
From ACM Careers

Youtube's New Los Angeles Complex 'a Wonderland' For Aspiring Film-Makers

It was the hangar which incubated Howard Hughes's aviation dreams, each aircraft model more fanciful than the last, and half a century later it is the launchpad...

Device Helps Children with Disabilities Access Tablets
From ACM Careers

Device Helps Children with Disabilities Access Tablets

Researchers at Georgia Tech have created Access4Kids, a wireless input device that attempts to open the world of tablet computers to children whose limited mobility...

Do We Live in a Computer Simulation? Researchers Say Idea Can Be Tested
From ACM Careers

Do We Live in a Computer Simulation? Researchers Say Idea Can Be Tested

A decade ago, a British philosopher put forth the possibility that the universe might be a computer simulation run by our descendants. Now, a team of physicists...

In South Korea, the Republic of Samsung
From ACM Careers

In South Korea, the Republic of Samsung

So sprawling is Samsung’s modern-day empire that some South Koreans say it has become possible to live a Samsung-only life: You can use a Samsung credit card to...

Tim Cook's Freshman Year: The Apple Ceo Speaks
From ACM Opinion

Tim Cook's Freshman Year: The Apple Ceo Speaks

Prior to his death on Oct. 5, 2011, Steve Jobs made sure that the elevation of Tim Cook—his longtime head of operations and trusted deputy—to Apple chief executive...

Cisco Aims to Wake ­p Sleepy Brand With New Campaign
From ACM Careers

Cisco Aims to Wake ­p Sleepy Brand With New Campaign

Having spent the better part of two years re-inventing and re-sizing itself through layoffs, restructurings and acquisitions, networking giant Cisco Systems has...

Neil Degrasse Tyson Helps His New 'bud' Superman Get a Glimpse of Home
From ACM Opinion

Neil Degrasse Tyson Helps His New 'bud' Superman Get a Glimpse of Home

DC Comics, Tyson explains, approached him for permission to use the Planetarium—as well as his likeness—in a story where Superman witnesses the destruction of Krypton...

Lenovo's Quest to Be Cool
From ACM Careers

Lenovo's Quest to Be Cool

China's Lenovo is on a roll. It has just been named the world's number one PC seller, and it has rapidly won the number two spot in mobile phones in its home market...

The Next Big Os War Is in Your Dashboard
From ACM Opinion

The Next Big Os War Is in Your Dashboard

Competition in automotive technology has long been about who's got the most horsepower, the best towing capacity or the fastest acceleration. These days, though...

Texas Teen Wins $100,000 National Science Prize
From ACM Careers

Texas Teen Wins $100,000 National Science Prize

A high school student from Texas has won a $100,000 scholarship for a developing a computer algorithm that helps robots navigate around obstacles, an algorithm...

Star Trek Classroom: The Next Generation of School Desks
From ACM TechNews

Star Trek Classroom: The Next Generation of School Desks

Durham University researchers are developing NumberNet, a multi-touch, multi-user classroom desk that can boost students' math skills. The desk has shown that...

The ­ps and Downs of Making Elevators Go
From ACM Careers

The ­ps and Downs of Making Elevators Go

You press a button and wait for your elevator. How long before you get impatient and agitated? Theresa Christy says 20 seconds.

From ACM Careers

I.b.m. and Ohio State ­niversity to Open Center For Big Data

There is plenty of debate about just how much Big Data analytics can help businesses make smarter decisions to increase sales and cut costs. Yet there seems to...

How Martin Odersky Rewrote the Rules of Coding For a Mobile World
From ACM Opinion

How Martin Odersky Rewrote the Rules of Coding For a Mobile World

Next time you pull out your smartphone to use a popular application—whether it's to price check items in a store, to tweet or to check your cloud-based calendar—you...

Idc Predictions 2013
From ACM Careers

Idc Predictions 2013

The ICT industry is in the midst of a once every 20-25 years shift to a new technology platform for growth and innovation. We call it the 3rd Platform, built on...

Want a Flying Drone? These Students 3D-Printed Their Own
From ACM Careers

Want a Flying Drone? These Students 3D-Printed Their Own

It was supposed to be a big moment for the two brothers—both University of Virginia engineering students—the culmination of months of designing and refining.
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