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Apple's Cue Seeks Overhaul of Maps Amid Duel With Google
From ACM Careers

Apple's Cue Seeks Overhaul of Maps Amid Duel With Google

Apple Inc.'s Eddy Cue, who took charge of map software last month, is racing to turn around the troubled service, firing a senior manager, and urging partners to...

Desperate, Hockey Fans Root For Virtual Team
From ACM News

Desperate, Hockey Fans Root For Virtual Team

Pat Hickey, who covered his first Montreal Canadiens game in 1968 for the now-defunct Montreal Star, and who has chronicled the team's exploits over the past 22...

The Cult of Amazon: How a Bookseller Invented the Future of Computing
From ACM Careers

The Cult of Amazon: How a Bookseller Invented the Future of Computing

In most of corporate America, you write the press release when your creation is finished. But at Amazon, you write it before you've even begun.

College of Future Could Be Come One, Come All
From ACM Careers

College of Future Could Be Come One, Come All

Teaching Introduction to Sociology is almost second nature to Mitchell Duneier, a professor at Princeton: he has taught it 30 times, and a textbook he co-wrote...

An Amazon Engineer Had a Little Idea That Turned Into a Billion-Dollar Business
From ACM News

An Amazon Engineer Had a Little Idea That Turned Into a Billion-Dollar Business

Once upon a time, Amazon was a dot-com-era technology company best known for selling books.

Why Better Traffic Data Means More Than Just a Faster Commute
From ACM Careers

Why Better Traffic Data Means More Than Just a Faster Commute

You might never have heard of Inrix, but there's a good chance it’s already helped you out—or vice versa.

As Boom Lures App Creators, Tough Part Is Making a Living
From ACM Careers

As Boom Lures App Creators, Tough Part Is Making a Living

Shawn and Stephanie Grimes spent much of the last two years pursuing their dream of doing research and development for Apple, the world’s most successful corporation...

Company Plans 'revolutionary' Eavesdropping Technology to Help Governments Monitor Internet Chats
From ACM Careers

Company Plans 'revolutionary' Eavesdropping Technology to Help Governments Monitor Internet Chats

According to law enforcement agencies, the rising popularity of Internet chat services like Skype has made it difficult to eavesdrop on suspects' communications...

Driving Drones Can Be a Drag
From ACM Careers

Driving Drones Can Be a Drag

Study shows distractions may alleviate boredom and improve drone operators' performance.

Registration Open For 20th Annual Nasa Great Moonbuggy Race
From ACM Careers

Registration Open For 20th Annual Nasa Great Moonbuggy Race

Registration is open for the 20th annual NASA Great Moonbuggy Race, which challenges high school, college, and university students around the world to build and...

From ACM Careers

Can Apple Still Innovate on a Shoestring?

In 1998, Steve Jobs told Fortune: "Innovation has nothing to do with how many R&D dollars you have." He shut down Apple's long-term research lab division to prove...

The Secret to Creating Cell Phones For Seniors
From ACM Careers

The Secret to Creating Cell Phones For Seniors

Allen Calvin earned a doctorate in experimental psychology, was a consulting professor at Stanford University, and is currently the president of Palo Alto University...

Silicon Valley Technology Could Be Key to Connect Cars For Safer Driving
From ACM News

Silicon Valley Technology Could Be Key to Connect Cars For Safer Driving

While Google's self-driving car is getting heaps of attention, a lesser-known effort that would employ Silicon Valley technologies to make regular automobiles safer...

Apple Said to Be Exploring Switch From Intel For Mac
From ACM News

Apple Said to Be Exploring Switch From Intel For Mac

Apple Inc. is exploring ways to replace Intel Corp. processors in its Mac personal computers with a version of the chip technology it uses in the iPhone and iPad...

5 Most Surprising Things Heard at Harvard's Cyberposium
From ACM Careers

5 Most Surprising Things Heard at Harvard's Cyberposium

There was the usual talk about the excitement of the startup universe and the thrill of entrepreneurship at Harvard Business School's 18th annual Cyberposium on...

Beam Me to My Meeting!
From ACM TechNews

Beam Me to My Meeting!

European scientists have integrated robotics, video, and various sensor and display technologies to transport someone into a geographically distant meeting room...

I Meet Tumblr Whizz-Kid David Karp
From ACM Opinion

I Meet Tumblr Whizz-Kid David Karp

There's a joke running around about social media: Facebook is how you want people to see you, Twitter is how you see yourself; Tumblr is—"Hey look! Funny cat picture...

One Man, One Computer, 10 Million Students: How Khan Academy Is Reinventing Education
From ACM Careers

One Man, One Computer, 10 Million Students: How Khan Academy Is Reinventing Education

The headquarters of what has rapidly become the largest school in the world, at 10 million students strong, is stuffed into a few large communal rooms in a decaying...

DARPA Throws Down Gauntlet to Human-Style Robots
From ACM Careers

DARPA Throws Down Gauntlet to Human-Style Robots

The DARPA Robotics Challenge, one of the most rigorous tests of robotic ability ever conceived, kicked off last week. The contest sets teams of engineers from around...

5 Cool Things at MIT Media Lab
From ACM Careers

5 Cool Things at MIT Media Lab

You probably expect all the latest and greatest high-tech gear to be out in force at the MIT Media Lab innovation complex. And you’d be right. Holograms? Check....
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