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So Far, Big Data Is Small Potatoes
From ACM Opinion

So Far, Big Data Is Small Potatoes

Is Big Data going to revolutionize science and help us make a better world? Not based on what it's done so far.

Do We Really Need to Learn to Code?
From ACM Opinion

Do We Really Need to Learn to Code?

"Learn to Code!" This imperative to program seems to be everywhere these days. Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg recently donated ten million dollars to,...

Former Counterterrorism Czar Richard Clarke: ­.s. Drone Program ­nder Obama 'got Out of Hand'
From ACM Opinion

Former Counterterrorism Czar Richard Clarke: ­.s. Drone Program ­nder Obama 'got Out of Hand'

Richard Clarke served as the nation's top counterterrorism official under presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush before resigning in 2003 in protest of the...

Cyberattack Insurance a Challenge For Business
From ACM News

Cyberattack Insurance a Challenge For Business

Julia Roberts's smile is insured. So are Heidi Klum’s legs, Daniel Craig's body and Jennifer Lopez's derrière.

Paper Planes Transform Into Tiny Drones
From ACM News

Paper Planes Transform Into Tiny Drones

It took Chuck Pell less than a minute to build his drone.

Virtual Soccer Now a World Cup Fan's Best Prediction Tool
From ACM News

Virtual Soccer Now a World Cup Fan's Best Prediction Tool

Thursday marks the kickoff of the 2014 World Cup, signaling the start of a global guessing game about which two teams will appear in the finals of the 64-match...

World Cup Kickoff Looms For Demo of Brain-Controlled Machine
From ACM Opinion

World Cup Kickoff Looms For Demo of Brain-Controlled Machine

During the World Cup next week, there may be 1 minute during the opening ceremony when the boisterous stadium crowd in São Paulo falls silent: when a paraplegic...

How Ebay's Research Laboratories Are Tackling the Tricky Task of Fashion Recommendations
From ACM Careers

How Ebay's Research Laboratories Are Tackling the Tricky Task of Fashion Recommendations

If you've ever puzzled over what to wear in the morning, you might also have wondered whether you could leave the choice to an algorithm that could recommend a...

A Day at the Miami Beach Cyberarms Fair
From ACM Careers

A Day at the Miami Beach Cyberarms Fair

Thomas Lim, the founder of a boutique company that sells cybermunitions and hacking tools to governments and corporations around the world, has mischievous taste...

Theoretical Physics: Complexity on the Horizon
From ACM News

Theoretical Physics: Complexity on the Horizon

When physicist Leonard Susskind gives talks these days, he often wears a black T-shirt proclaiming "I ♥ Complexity".

360-Degree Camera Shoots Vr Movies For Oculus Rift
From ACM News

360-Degree Camera Shoots Vr Movies For Oculus Rift

Step into the silver screen with movies shot using the Panopticam.

Spy vs. Spy
From ACM Opinion

Spy vs. Spy

Last month, Attorney General Eric Holder announced that the United States was charging members of the Chinese military with economic espionage.

New Chip to Bring Holograms to Smartphones
From ACM News

New Chip to Bring Holograms to Smartphones

In the future, virtual reality won't require strapping a bulky contraption to your head.

Computer Model Predicts Academic Success
From ACM Careers

Computer Model Predicts Academic Success

The mantra "publish or perish" is drilled into every early-career scientist—and for good reason, a computer model suggests.

Bake Your Own Robot
From ACM News

Bake Your Own Robot

Printable robots—those that can be assembled from parts produced by 3-D printers—have long been a topic of research in the lab of Daniela Rus, the Andrew and Erna...

A Rare Look Inside the Air Force's Drone Training Classroom
From ACM Careers

A Rare Look Inside the Air Force's Drone Training Classroom

Learning how to drop bombs and fire Hellfire missiles is more like sitting in a regular college classroom than you might expect.

Why Coders Are Going Nuts Over Apple's New Programming Language
From ACM Careers

Why Coders Are Going Nuts Over Apple's New Programming Language

When Apple unveiled a new programming language at its World Wide Developers Conference on Monday, the place went "nuts," erupting with raucous cheers and applause...

A Stellar Discovery on the Milky Way's Far Side
From ACM News

A Stellar Discovery on the Milky Way's Far Side

A single Hubble Space Telescope image can capture scores of distant galaxies, but the one galaxy we'll never see from the outside is our own.

Ray Kurzweil
From ACM Opinion

Ray Kurzweil

Ray Kurzweil is teaching computers how to read better—one more step in the march of technological progress.

Four Technology Fallacies That Need to Die
From ACM Opinion

Four Technology Fallacies That Need to Die

As any historian, psychologist, sociologist, or scientist will tell you, the truth of an idea has very little to do with how fast it spreads and how well it's believed...
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