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Nine Tips for Successfully Moving Your Face-to-Face Course Online
From ACM Careers

Nine Tips for Successfully Moving Your Face-to-Face Course Online

While even technologically savvy instructors may struggle in moving a strongly Web-supported course to fully online delivery, there are simple solutions to address...

Coding for All: A STEM Sector that Reflects America
From ACM Careers

Coding for All: A STEM Sector that Reflects America

Valerie Jarrett, Senior Advisor to President Barack Obama, weighs in on changes at the national and local level that are making science, technology, engineering...

Computing and Networking Capacity Increases at Academic Research Institutions
From ACM TechNews

Computing and Networking Capacity Increases at Academic Research Institutions

Academic research institutions have experienced a significant increase in cyberinfrastructure resources since 2005, according to a new report from the U.S. National...

Despite Job Boom, Fewer Students Study Tech
From ACM TechNews

Despite Job Boom, Fewer Students Study Tech

The number of computer and IT jobs grew 13 percent from 2003 to 2012, but the number of people with degrees in these fields from U.S. colleges and universities... Ramps ­p With 3.5m Students
From ACM TechNews Ramps ­p With 3.5m Students CEO Hadi Partovi says about 90 percent of U.S. schools lack computer science programs due to a shortage of funds and teachers. There are over 40,000 high...

The 'Maker Movement' Inspires Shift in STEM Curriculum
From ACM TechNews

The 'Maker Movement' Inspires Shift in STEM Curriculum

A new curriculum from the Digital Harbor Foundation, BatelleEd, and Arizona State University reflects a shift that is occurring in education, from passive to active...

Obama Nominates Astrophysicist to Lead Nsf
From ACM Careers

Obama Nominates Astrophysicist to Lead Nsf

Astrophysicist France Anne Cordova has been tapped to head the US National Science Foundation (NSF), which has been run by an acting director since March 2013.

The Brains Behind Research on the Brain
From ACM Careers

The Brains Behind Research on the Brain

While studying physics and electrical engineering as an MIT undergraduate in the late 1990s, Mehmet Fatih Yanik managed to avoid taking any biology classes until...

Bringing Big Data to Business Schools
From ACM Careers

Bringing Big Data to Business Schools

The University of Iowa has established one of the first majors helping undergraduates learn analytics and data management, one of the fastest growing segments...

Professors Help Practitioners Decipher 'Big Data'
From ACM Careers

Professors Help Practitioners Decipher 'Big Data'

The University of Virginia Darden School of Business has new ways to help marketing practitioners find the narrative in 'Big Data' numbers and articulate their...

Want to Be a Professor? Choose Math
From ACM Careers

Want to Be a Professor? Choose Math

Are you an aspiring scientist with quantitative chops and a strong desire for a faculty career?

The Immigrant Brain Drain: How America Is Losing Its High-Tech Talent
From ACM Opinion

The Immigrant Brain Drain: How America Is Losing Its High-Tech Talent

Vivek Wadhwa of Duke University questions the claim that competition from high-tech guest workers in the United States is keeping domestic workers' wages low...

New Ways to Teach Math and Engage More Students in STEM Studies
From ACM Careers

New Ways to Teach Math and Engage More Students in STEM Studies

Experts will discuss new research that challenges traditional approaches and ideas in presentations at the American Psychological Association's 121st Annual Convention...

Big Data Analysis Adds to Guest Worker Debate
From ACM Careers

Big Data Analysis Adds to Guest Worker Debate

Although certain kinds of engineers are in short supply in the United States, plenty of potential candidates exist for thousands of positions for which companies...

Hey Kids! Learn to Be "cyber Smart” from the Nsa's Youth Page!
From ACM Careers

Hey Kids! Learn to Be "cyber Smart” from the Nsa's Youth Page!

The National Security Agency wants your kids to know that it's cool to be "cyber smart."

E-Book Vs. P-Book
From ACM Opinion

E-Book Vs. P-Book

When Barnes & Noble announced, a couple of weeks ago, that its Nook division lost almost five hundred million dollars last year and that its C.E.O. was resigning...

Congressional Panels Dump on STEM Reshuffling Plan
From ACM TechNews

Congressional Panels Dump on STEM Reshuffling Plan

Several congressional panels have rejected the Obama administration's plan to significantly realign the federal government's $3-billion annual budget for programs...

Education Online: The Virtual Lab
From ACM Careers

Education Online: The Virtual Lab

The academic world is in upheaval over MOOCs: massive open online courses that make university lectures available to tens of thousands of students at a time.

Bill Gates on the Future of Education, Programming, and Just About Everything Else
From ACM TechNews

Bill Gates on the Future of Education, Programming, and Just About Everything Else

At Microsoft's recent Faculty Summit, Bill Gates expressed his views on a range of topics, including education, patents, computer science, and machine learning....

Rensselaer To Train U.S. Navy Officers in IT and Web Sciences
From ACM Careers

Rensselaer To Train U.S. Navy Officers in IT and Web Sciences

The U.S. Navy is turning to the Information Technology and Web Science Program at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute to prepare a select group of U.S. Navy officers...
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