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Coding For Brain Chips Gives Cognitive Computing Boost
From ACM News

Coding For Brain Chips Gives Cognitive Computing Boost

It's a cognitive leap forward. IBM can now program an experimental chip they unveiled two years ago.

Nsa to Cut System Administrators By 90 Percent to Limit Data Access
From ACM News

Nsa to Cut System Administrators By 90 Percent to Limit Data Access

The U.S. National Security Agency, hit by disclosures of classified data by former contractor Edward Snowden, said Thursday it intends to eliminate about 90 percent...

Integrating Left Brain and Right, on a Computer
From ACM News

Integrating Left Brain and Right, on a Computer

As computers have matured over time, the human brain has no way of keeping up with silicon's rapid-fire calculating abilities.

Apple's Operating System Guru Goes Back to His Roots
From ACM Careers

Apple's Operating System Guru Goes Back to His Roots

That iPad in your hand? It feels like the most modern of computers. But like the iPhone and the Macintosh, the Apple tablet revolves around a core piece of software...

In Pursuit of Quantum Biology With Birgitta Whaley
From ACM Opinion

In Pursuit of Quantum Biology With Birgitta Whaley

As an undergraduate at Oxford University in the mid-1970s, K. Birgitta Whaley struggled to choose between chemistry and physics.

The Five Scariest Hacks We Saw Last Week
From ACM News

The Five Scariest Hacks We Saw Last Week

If something can connect to a network, it can be hacked. Computers and phones are still popular targets, but increasingly so are cars, home security systems, TVs...

Computing and Networking Capacity Increases at Academic Research Institutions
From ACM TechNews

Computing and Networking Capacity Increases at Academic Research Institutions

Academic research institutions have experienced a significant increase in cyberinfrastructure resources since 2005, according to a new report from the U.S. National...

Crypto Experts Issue a Call to Arms to Avert the Cryptopocalypse
From ACM News

Crypto Experts Issue a Call to Arms to Avert the Cryptopocalypse

At the Black Hat security conference in Las Vegas, a quartet of researchers, Alex Stamos, Tom Ritter, Thomas Ptacek, and Javed Samuel, implored everyone involved...

Fbi Taps Hacker Tactics to Spy on Suspects
From ACM News

Fbi Taps Hacker Tactics to Spy on Suspects

Law-enforcement officials in the U.S. are expanding the use of tools routinely used by computer hackers to gather information on suspects, bringing the criminal...

Vampir Takes a Bite Out of Inefficiency
From ACM Careers

Vampir Takes a Bite Out of Inefficiency

Vampir, a software development toolset, can analyze in detail a running application as it is executed on the hundreds of thousands of processors of the Titan supercomputer...

NSA Announces Winner of Its First Annual 'Science of Security Competition'
From ACM Careers

NSA Announces Winner of Its First Annual 'Science of Security Competition'

A research paper that was highlighted last year at an international symposium is the winner of the National Security Agency's first annual Science of Security (SoS)...

The Bell Labs of Quantum Computing
From ACM Careers

The Bell Labs of Quantum Computing

Raymond Laflamme can't yet sell you a quantum computer. But he'll sell you a $13,000 logic board for measuring entangled photons.

Zeroing In on ­nbreakable Computer Security
From ACM News

Zeroing In on ­nbreakable Computer Security

The news out of Moscow of late has been dominated by Edward Snowden, the American leaker of secret state documents who is currently seeking temporary asylum in...

The End of Digital Tyranny: Why the Future of Computing Is Analog
From ACM Opinion

The End of Digital Tyranny: Why the Future of Computing Is Analog

Our world is ruled by 1s and 0s.

Solving Dna Puzzles Is Overwhelming Computer Systems, Researchers Warn
From ACM Careers

Solving Dna Puzzles Is Overwhelming Computer Systems, Researchers Warn

Scientists in the fast-growing field of computational genomics are getting lots of data but lack the computer power needed to analyze it quickly.

Researchers Find Bug Bounty Programs Pay Economic Rewards
From ACM News

Researchers Find Bug Bounty Programs Pay Economic Rewards

Bug bounty programs can be as much as 100 times more cost-effective for finding security vulnerabilities than hiring full-time security researchers to do the same...

Professor Jack Dongarra Announces New Supercomputer Benchmark
From ACM Careers

Professor Jack Dongarra Announces New Supercomputer Benchmark

The way the power of supercomputers is measured is about to change.

High Potential
From ACM Careers

High Potential

In 2006, when Tomás Palacios completed his PhD in electrical and computer engineering at the University of California at Santa Barbara, he was torn between taking...

Intel Technology Chief Rattner to Step Down
From ACM Careers

Intel Technology Chief Rattner to Step Down

One of the most familiar faces at Intel events, Justin Rattner, is giving up the post of chief technology officer at the giant chip maker.

Investors Buy Into Software-Defined Networks, Will Customers Follow?
From ACM News

Investors Buy Into Software-Defined Networks, Will Customers Follow?

As Superstorm Sandy bore down on the East coast last year, companies with data centers in its path needed another location fast. But moving computer servers is...
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