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In the Virtual Cockpit: What It Takes to Fly a Drone
From ACM Careers

In the Virtual Cockpit: What It Takes to Fly a Drone

Drone pilots escape the physical demands and dangers of a traditional cockpit. There's no g-force pinning them to their seats, no uncomfortable pressure suit to...

Geer, Thieme: Specialization and Institutionalization Have Transformed Security
From ACM Opinion

Geer, Thieme: Specialization and Institutionalization Have Transformed Security

Two elders of information security came to Source Boston 2013 Wednesday morning to encourage the next generation to grab the torch from them and to urge great caution...

India, Long the Home of Outsourcing, Now Wants to Make Its Own Chips
From ACM Careers

India, Long the Home of Outsourcing, Now Wants to Make Its Own Chips

The government of India, home to many of the world’s leading software outsourcing companies, wants to replicate that success by creating a homegrown industry for...

Shortage of Skilled People Could Hamper Military's Offensive Security Capabilities
From ACM Careers

Shortage of Skilled People Could Hamper Military's Offensive Security Capabilities

The U.S. military has been attempting to build up the offensive cybersecurity capabilities in its various services for several years now, but is running into the...

Intel Tries to Secure Its Footing Beyond Pcs
From ACM Careers

Intel Tries to Secure Its Footing Beyond Pcs

For the last several months, Andy Bryant, the chairman of Intel, has been trying to put steel in the backs of the company's employees.

How Pixar ­sed Moore's Law to Predict the Future
From ACM Opinion

How Pixar ­sed Moore's Law to Predict the Future

Whether you call it a data-driven prediction or think of it as a self-fulfilling prophecy, Moore's Law has been going strong.

Interview with Brain Project Pioneer: Miyoung Chun
From ACM Opinion

Interview with Brain Project Pioneer: Miyoung Chun

Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies (BRAIN) project, which President Obama announced in his State of the Union address in February, will...

'chinese Google' Opens Artificial-Intelligence Lab in Silicon Valley
From ACM News

'chinese Google' Opens Artificial-Intelligence Lab in Silicon Valley

It doesn't look like much.

The PC Inside Your Phone: A Guide to the System-on-a-Chip
From ACM Careers

The PC Inside Your Phone: A Guide to the System-on-a-Chip

A desktop PC used to need a lot of different chips to make it work.

Computer Security Legend Mudge Leaves DARPA For Google Job
From ACM Careers

Computer Security Legend Mudge Leaves DARPA For Google Job

Peter Zatko, the computer hacking expert better known by the handle Mudge, says he’s leaving his job as a program manager at DARPA to join Google.

Building a Better Tech School
From ACM Careers

Building a Better Tech School

If all the hopes and hype are warranted, a nondescript third-floor loft in the Chelsea neighborhood of Manhattan offers a glimpse of the future, for New York City...

Autonomous Modular Datacenter Takes to the Sea
From ACM Careers

Autonomous Modular Datacenter Takes to the Sea

Not every datacenter is comprised of a large building stuff full of computers. In the case of Liquid Robotics' Wave Glider SV3, the datacenter is an autonomous...

Nebula Builds Cloud Computer for the Masses
From ACM Careers

Nebula Builds Cloud Computer for the Masses

For his sixth-grade science fair project, Chris Kemp put together a cold fusion kit.

Meet Dssd, Andy Bechtolsheim's Secret Chip Startup For Big Data
From ACM Careers

Meet Dssd, Andy Bechtolsheim's Secret Chip Startup For Big Data

For almost three years many of the creators of Sun's Zettabyte File System have been slaving away in a Menlo Park, Calif., building trying to build a chip that...

The Untold Story Behind Apple's $13,000 Operating System
From ACM Careers

The Untold Story Behind Apple's $13,000 Operating System

In the common retelling of Apple's history, it was Steve Jobs' and Steve Wozniak's second computer, the Apple II, that launched their fledgling company toward stratospheric...

Top Brain Scientist Is 'philosopher at Heart'
From ACM News

Top Brain Scientist Is 'philosopher at Heart'

d Boyden tilts his head downward, remaining still except for his eyes, which dart back and forth between blinks for a full 10 seconds. Then, as if coming up for...

Professor Invents Portable Mobility Assistant Device
From ACM Careers

Professor Invents Portable Mobility Assistant Device

Looking to assist the more than two million elderly people in the United States who find it difficult to rise from a chair without assistance, Stony Brook University...

Vcs Bet Big Bucks on Hadoop
From ACM Careers

Vcs Bet Big Bucks on Hadoop

Venture capitalists are pouring millions of dollars into startups that are betting their futures on the powerful data tool called Hadoop. The tool holds promise...

Welcome to the Mind-Bending World of Cloud-on-Cloud Computing
From ACM Careers

Welcome to the Mind-Bending World of Cloud-on-Cloud Computing

John Engates is the chief technology officer at Rackspace, and even he had trouble wrapping his mind around the way his company runs its most important of technologies...

Researchers Find Surprising Similarities Between Genetic and Computer Codes
From ACM Careers

Researchers Find Surprising Similarities Between Genetic and Computer Codes

Researchers from the U.S. Department of Energy's Brookhaven National Laboratory found a surprising similarity between two complex systems: bacterial genomes and...
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