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Cybercrime-Fighters Seek 'generation Xbox' For Spy Jobs
From ACM Careers

Cybercrime-Fighters Seek 'generation Xbox' For Spy Jobs

Up to 100 members of "generation Xbox" will be offered a career in the secret services, under a scheme announced by Foreign Secretary William Hague.

Jack Dorsey: Leadership Secrets Of Twitter And Square
From ACM Careers

Jack Dorsey: Leadership Secrets Of Twitter And Square

You cover a lot of ground hanging out with Jack Dorsey.

MIT Alums Recount Their Martian Experiences
From ACM Opinion

MIT Alums Recount Their Martian Experiences

Since NASA's Curiosity rover made its extraordinary Aug. 6 touchdown on Mars, it has been roving the Martian landscape, returning startling images.

NASA's Ironman-Like Exoskeleton Could Give Astronauts, Paraplegics Improved Mobility and Strength
From ACM News

NASA's Ironman-Like Exoskeleton Could Give Astronauts, Paraplegics Improved Mobility and Strength

Marvel Comics' fictional superhero, Ironman, uses a powered armor suit that allows him superhuman strength.

What Are Grand Technology and Scientific Challenges for the 21st Century?
From ACM Careers

What Are Grand Technology and Scientific Challenges for the 21st Century?

What are the next Big Things in science and technology? Teleportation? Unlimited clean Energy? The scientists and researchers at DARPA and the White House Office...

To This Agency, There's Only One Way to Operate: Precisely
From ACM News

To This Agency, There's Only One Way to Operate: Precisely

David Wineland is the American half of the scientific duo celebrating the award of the Nobel Prize in Physics yesterday.

Research Predicts Combo Warning, Braking Systems on Autos Will Help Save Lives
From ACM Careers

Research Predicts Combo Warning, Braking Systems on Autos Will Help Save Lives

Virginia Tech researchers studying rear-end collisions determined that 7.7 percent of such crashes would be prevented by use of three intelligent vehicle systems...

Ibm's Ginni Rometty Looks Ahead
From ACM Opinion

Ibm's Ginni Rometty Looks Ahead

Ginni Rometty's first customer conference as CEO of IBM was an unusual affair, especially by Big Blue's buttoned-up standards.

Power, Pollution, and the Internet
From ACM Careers

Power, Pollution, and the Internet

Jeff Rothschild's machines at Facebook had a problem he knew he had to solve immediately. They were about to melt.

On Waterfront, Rise of the Machines
From ACM Careers

On Waterfront, Rise of the Machines

In the rising light of a mid-September morning, the CSAV Pyrenees, a blue-water freighter sailing out of Suape Port in Brazil, was lashed to its lines at BerthPort...

Don't Tell Teenager Shachi Kakkar That Chip Verification Is For Nerds
From ACM Careers

Don't Tell Teenager Shachi Kakkar That Chip Verification Is For Nerds

Anybody who's 17, or ever been 17, knows that any suggestions your parents make are nothing but lame. But every now and then, one of those lame ideas turns into...

'We're Literally Watching the Internet Be Rebuilt'
From ACM Careers

'We're Literally Watching the Internet Be Rebuilt'

A new company uses big-data capabilities to decode the inner-workings of the modern Internet.

Meet the New Boss: Big Data
From ACM Careers

Meet the New Boss: Big Data

When looking for workers to staff its call centers, Xerox Corp. used to pay lots of attention to applicants who had done the job before. Then, a computer program...

How the Curiosity Rover's Robotic Arm Is Blazing a Trail on Mars ... and Earth
From ACM Careers

How the Curiosity Rover's Robotic Arm Is Blazing a Trail on Mars ... and Earth

The robotic arm on NASA's Curiosity rover should set a new standard for robotic operations on Mars—and it could revolutionize robotics on Earth as well.

NSF Grant to Facilitate Sharing and Streaming of Scientific Visualizations
From ACM Careers

NSF Grant to Facilitate Sharing and Streaming of Scientific Visualizations

The San Diego Supercomputer Center has been awarded a $810,000 grant from the National Science Foundation to develop a resource that lets researchers seamlessly...

Nasa Sparks Its Imagination
From ACM Opinion

Nasa Sparks Its Imagination

It's been a month since Curiosity’s remarkable soft landing on the surface of Mars. Remember the massive, supersonic parachute that slowed the spacecraft’s descent...

Why VMware Paid $1.26B for 70 Software Engineers
From ACM Careers

Why VMware Paid $1.26B for 70 Software Engineers

One of the reasons Google and VMware have been so successful over the past decade, says Eric Brewer, is that both companies managed to snatch some of the world's...

A Hardware Renaissance in Silicon Valley
From ACM News

A Hardware Renaissance in Silicon Valley

In recent years, Silicon Valley seems to have forgotten about silicon. It’s been about dot-coms, Web advertising, social networking, and apps for smartphones.

From Heroes to Humans: The Totally Regular People Who Landed a Robot on Mars
From ACM Careers

From Heroes to Humans: The Totally Regular People Who Landed a Robot on Mars

Last week, a group of the scientists and engineers orchestrating NASA's Curiosity mission got together to do an "Ask Me Anything" on Reddit.

At This Camp, Kids Learn to Question Authority (and Hack It)
From ACM Careers

At This Camp, Kids Learn to Question Authority (and Hack It)

Some kids go to band camp; others go to swim camp. But for the children of the world's digital rabble-rousers, there is hacking camp. It's called DefCon Kids.
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