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Listening to James Hansen on Climate Change, Thirty Years Ago and Now
From ACM Careers

Listening to James Hansen on Climate Change, Thirty Years Ago and Now

On June 23, 1988—a blisteringly hot day in Washington, D.C.—James Hansen told a Senate committee that "the greenhouse effect has been detected and is changing our...

What Did the Atom Say to the Quantum Dot? Let's Talk!
From ACM Careers

What Did the Atom Say to the Quantum Dot? Let's Talk!

Scientists demonstrate coherent coupling between a quantum dot and a donor atom in silicon, vital for moving information inside quantum computers.

IBM Pits Computer Against Human Debaters
From ACM Careers

IBM Pits Computer Against Human Debaters

IBM pitted a computer against two human debaters in the first public demonstration of artificial intelligence technology it's been working on for more than five...

Program Builds a STEM Career Pathway for Tribal Students in North Dakota
From ACM Careers

Program Builds a STEM Career Pathway for Tribal Students in North Dakota

Each summer the tribal college campuses and public universities of North Dakota open their doors to tribal students, instructors, and faculty for a series of collaborative...

Machine Learning May Be a Game-Changer for Climate Prediction
From ACM Careers

Machine Learning May Be a Game-Changer for Climate Prediction

The machine learning representation of convection can skillfully predict many features of superparameterization most important to climate simulation, opening up...

In Tech, Patents Are Trophies, and These Companies Are Dominating 
From ACM Careers

In Tech, Patents Are Trophies, and These Companies Are Dominating 

Dan Zhang just had his career bar mitzvah.

New Human Gene Tally Reignites Debate
From ACM News

New Human Gene Tally Reignites Debate

One of the earliest attempts to estimate the number of genes in the human genome involved tipsy geneticists, a bar in Cold Spring Harbor, New York, and pure guesswork...

Composer Receives NSF Grant to Explore Data Sonification
From ACM Careers

Composer Receives NSF Grant to Explore Data Sonification

SUNY Geneseo faculty member Glenn McClure's "Music in the Numbers" grant from the NSF will support the exploration of sonification in the interpretation of large...

Machine Learning Tools Generate Metadata for Science Data Searches
From ACM Careers

Machine Learning Tools Generate Metadata for Science Data Searches

Researchers from Berkeley Lab and UC Berkeley are developing machine learning tools to pull contextual information from scientific datasets and automatically generate...

Relax, Google, the Robot Army Isn't Here Yet 
From ACM Opinion

Relax, Google, the Robot Army Isn't Here Yet 

People can differ on their perceptions of "evil."

Google Is Training Machines to Predict When a Patient Will Die
From ACM Careers

Google Is Training Machines to Predict When a Patient Will Die

A woman with late-stage breast cancer came to a city hospital, fluids already flooding her lungs.

Virtual Reality Headset Reduces Children's Fear of Needles
From ACM Careers

Virtual Reality Headset Reduces Children's Fear of Needles

A pediatrician has come up with an innovative solution to distract children from their fear, anxiety and pain using a virtual reality headset.

The Inside Story of How AI Got Good Enough to Dominate Silicon Valley
From ACM Opinion

The Inside Story of How AI Got Good Enough to Dominate Silicon Valley

Alex Krizhevsky didn't get into the AI business to change the course of history.

Stanford Students Boycott Google Jobs Over Firm's Military Work
From ACM Careers

Stanford Students Boycott Google Jobs Over Firm's Military Work

Google has for years been a top destination for graduates of Stanford University, but now a student-led campaign is boycott interviewing at Google unless the Mountain...

If You're A Facebook ­ser, You're Also a Research Subject
From ACM News

If You're A Facebook ­ser, You're Also a Research Subject

The professor was incredulous.

­niversities and Foxconn Create International Internship Program
From ACM Careers

­niversities and Foxconn Create International Internship Program

The University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Foxconn Technology Group, and Chung Yuan Christian University in Taiwan have created a co-op program in which UWM engineering...

Car Insurers Warn on 'Autonomous' Vehicles
From ACM Careers

Car Insurers Warn on 'Autonomous' Vehicles

The motor insurance industry is warning carmakers against the use of the word "autonomous" in their marketing.

Two Critical ­.S. Dams at High Risk From Insider Cyber Threats
From ACM Careers

Two Critical ­.S. Dams at High Risk From Insider Cyber Threats

The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, a part of the Interior Department, operates more than 600 of the some 100,000 dams in the United States, five of which are considered...

Computer Science Students Honored for Humanizing Robots With Humor
From ACM Careers

Computer Science Students Honored for Humanizing Robots With Humor

Three Stanford computer science students developed a model that can detect humor in spoken language and predict when a conversational agent should respond with...

Self-Driving Cars Likely Won't Steal Your Job (­ntil 2040)
From ACM Opinion

Self-Driving Cars Likely Won't Steal Your Job (­ntil 2040)

The self-driving robots are coming to transform your job. Kind of. Also, very slowly.
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