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Who Just Beat the Bay Area in Tech Jobs? Toronto
From ACM Careers

Who Just Beat the Bay Area in Tech Jobs? Toronto

Toronto's tech scene is so hot the city created more jobs than the San Francisco Bay area, Seattle and Washington, D.C., combined last year, while leapfrogging...

DARPA Picks Its First Set of Winners in Electronics Resurgence Initiative
From ACM Careers

DARPA Picks Its First Set of Winners in Electronics Resurgence Initiative

Hundreds of engineers gathered at the Darpa Electronics Resurgence Initiative Summit in San Francisco yesterday to hear that dozens of them were getting millions...

Scientists Perfect Technique to Boost Capacity of Computer Storage a Thousandfold
From ACM Careers

Scientists Perfect Technique to Boost Capacity of Computer Storage a Thousandfold

Silicon-based atomic-scale devices are poised to increase capacity of solid-state storage drives 1,000-fold due to techniques perfected at the University of Alberta...

Are ­niversities Training Socially Minded Programmers?
From ACM Careers

Are ­niversities Training Socially Minded Programmers?

Courses that explore the ethical implications of emerging technologies are cropping up across the United States.

Big Tech is Throwing Money and Talent at Home Robots
From ACM Careers

Big Tech is Throwing Money and Talent at Home Robots

Science fiction writers and technologists have been predicting the arrival of robot butlers for the better part of a century. So far domestic robots have been relatively...

Visualizing the Best and Worst Paid Jobs in the Tech Sector
From ACM Careers

Visualizing the Best and Worst Paid Jobs in the Tech Sector

U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics data shows plenty of high-paying technology jobs, as well as lower-end jobs that pay above average compared to the rest of the economy...

Harry Potter Coding Kit Teaches Programming with a Wand
From ACM Careers

Harry Potter Coding Kit Teaches Programming with a Wand

The Harry Potter Kano Coding Kit from Kano teaches kids how to program a wand to perform magic spells.

Researchers May Help Validate Organ-on-a-Chip Devices
From ACM Careers

Researchers May Help Validate Organ-on-a-Chip Devices

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory scientists compared drug responses in the brains of rodents to drug responses of brain cells cultured in lab-developed "brain...

Million-Person Genetic Study Finds Gene Patterns Linked to How Long People Stay in School
From ACM Careers

Million-Person Genetic Study Finds Gene Patterns Linked to How Long People Stay in School

The largest-ever genetic study on human cognition has found more than 1,000 links between people's genes and how far they get in school.

Doctors Rely on More Than Just Data for Medical Decision Making
From ACM Careers

Doctors Rely on More Than Just Data for Medical Decision Making

Computer scientists find that physicians' sentiments or "gut feelings" influence their utilizaton of diagnostic imaging utilization, moreso at the beginning of...

NASA Online Toolkit: Commercial ­se of Satellite Data
From ACM Careers

NASA Online Toolkit: Commercial ­se of Satellite Data

While NASA's policy of free and open remote-sensing data has long benefited the scientific community, other government agencies and nonprofit organizations, it...

Some Scientists Work With China, but NASA Won't
From ACM Careers

Some Scientists Work With China, but NASA Won't

Inside a sealed clean room near Toulouse, France, Maurice Sylvestre points out something called SuperCam.

AI Plus a Chemistry Robot Finds All the Reactions that Will Work
From ACM Careers

AI Plus a Chemistry Robot Finds All the Reactions that Will Work

Chemistry is a sort of applied physics, with the behavior of electrons and their orbitals dictating a set of rules for which reactions can take place and what products...

Robot Drinks Stir Man vs Machine Debate
From ACM Careers

Robot Drinks Stir Man vs Machine Debate

A robotic arm mixes the cocktails at Ratio in downtown Shanghai, where customers choose how many shots of alcohol they want and the specific combination of liquors...

Shadow Politics: Meet the Digital Sleuth Exposing Fake News
From ACM Careers

Shadow Politics: Meet the Digital Sleuth Exposing Fake News

When we met in early March, Jonathan Albright was still shrugging off a sleepless weekend.

Inside India's Fake Research Paper Shops: Pay, Publish, Profit
From ACM Careers

Inside India's Fake Research Paper Shops: Pay, Publish, Profit

India has emerged as one of the biggest markets for a business in which over 300 publishers manage so-called "predatory journals" that publish papers for a listed...

NSF Awards Support the Creation of Bio-Based Semiconductors
From ACM Careers

NSF Awards Support the Creation of Bio-Based Semiconductors

U.S. agencies and a technology consortium are investing $12 million in research program to create storage systems that integrate synthetic biology with semiconductor...

Microprocessor Designers Realize Security Must Be a Primary Concern
From ACM Opinion

Microprocessor Designers Realize Security Must Be a Primary Concern

Computers' amazing abilities to entertain people, help them work, and even respond to voice commands are, at their heart, the results of decades of technological...

Microscopic Trampoline May Help Create Networks of Quantum Computers
From ACM Careers

Microscopic Trampoline May Help Create Networks of Quantum Computers

A microscopic trampoline could help engineers to overcome a major hurdle for quantum computers, say researchers from the University of Colorado Boulder and the...

China's AI Industry Gets the Most Funding, But Lags the ­.S. in Key Talent
From ACM Careers

China's AI Industry Gets the Most Funding, But Lags the ­.S. in Key Talent

China's artificial intelligence industry has attracted more funding than any other country's, but lags behind the U.S. in terms of high-level AI talent, having...
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