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Life As a Bug Bounty Hunter: A Struggle Every Day, Just to Get Paid
From ACM Careers

Life As a Bug Bounty Hunter: A Struggle Every Day, Just to Get Paid

Evan Ricafort works from home, his office taking up a room in a house that he shares with his family along a national highway in the Philippines.

The End of Employees
From ACM Careers

The End of Employees

Never before have American companies tried so hard to employ so few people. The shift is radically altering what it means to be a company and a worker.

What Do Parents Think About Technology in the Classroom?
From ACM Careers

What Do Parents Think About Technology in the Classroom?

Fifty percent of parents believe coding and computer programming is the most beneficial subject to their child's future employability, a new survey found.

Are We Ready for the Future of Warfare?
From ACM Opinion

Are We Ready for the Future of Warfare?

Warfare has always been about exerting political will.

AI-Human Partnerships Tackle 'Fake News'
From ACM News

AI-Human Partnerships Tackle 'Fake News'

During the 2016 U.S. presidential election, inaccurate and misleading articles burned through social networks.

In Chilean Desert, Global Thirst for Lithium Is Fueling a 'Water War'
From ACM Careers

In Chilean Desert, Global Thirst for Lithium Is Fueling a 'Water War'

On Chilean water regulator Oscar Cristi's desk, a small white espresso cup teeters atop piles of documents and loose folders that appear on the point of collapse...

How Trump Could Hurt Google
From ACM News

How Trump Could Hurt Google

President Donald Trump's Tuesday morning attack on Google for delivering "rigged" search results met with a swift denial from the company, but Trump's threat to...

Tech Industry Pursues a Federal Privacy Law, on Its Own Terms
From ACM Careers

Tech Industry Pursues a Federal Privacy Law, on Its Own Terms

Technology companies have taken plenty of hits on privacy this year. In May, Europe began enforcing a sweeping new law that lets people request their online data...

JPL Roles in NASA's Sun-Bound Parker Solar Probe
From ACM Careers

JPL Roles in NASA's Sun-Bound Parker Solar Probe

The navigation for NASA's Parker Solar Probe is led by the agency's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, which also has a role in two of the spacecraft's...

Artificial Intelligence Is Now a Pentagon Priority. Will Silicon Valley Help?
From ACM News

Artificial Intelligence Is Now a Pentagon Priority. Will Silicon Valley Help?

In a May memo to President Trump, Defense Secretary Jim Mattis implored him to create a national strategy for artificial intelligence.

A Toolkit for Data Transparency Takes Shape
From ACM News

A Toolkit for Data Transparency Takes Shape

Julia Stewart Lowndes studied metre-long Humboldt squid (Dosidicus gigas), tagging them to track their dives, as a graduate student at Stanford University in California...

Schools Look to Shrink the Gender Gap in STEM Classes
From ACM Careers

Schools Look to Shrink the Gender Gap in STEM Classes

Educators and students are confronting what they say is a gender gap in high school STEM classes.

These Companies No Longer Require Employees to Have a College Degree
From ACM Careers

These Companies No Longer Require Employees to Have a College Degree

Tech giants Google, Apple, and IBM are among the 15 top employers that have said they no longer require applicants to have a college degree.

New Material Could Improve Efficiency of Computer Processing and Memory
From ACM Careers

New Material Could Improve Efficiency of Computer Processing and Memory

A material developed by a team of researchers is 18 times more efficient in computing processing and memory compared to current materials.

What Went Wrong With IBM's Watson
From ACM Opinion

What Went Wrong With IBM's Watson

What if artificial intelligence can't cure cancer after all?

How AI Can Spot Exam Cheats and Raise Standards
From ACM Careers

How AI Can Spot Exam Cheats and Raise Standards

Technology is coming into the exam hall. A Coursera system takes images of students and verifies their identities. Plagiarism detectors scan essays to identify...

Chief of Europe's €1-Billion Brain Project Steps Down
From ACM Careers

Chief of Europe's €1-Billion Brain Project Steps Down

The executive director of the European Union's ambitious—but contentious—Human Brain Project (HBP) has left his post after a disagreement with the institution that...

Improving Nuclear Detection With New Chip Power
From ACM Careers

Improving Nuclear Detection With New Chip Power

A cross-disciplinary team of researchers is building a computer chip to improve detection and surveillance for the illegal transport of nuclear materials at U.S...

'­nderpaid' CEOs More Likely to Make Layoffs, Research Finds
From ACM Careers

'­nderpaid' CEOs More Likely to Make Layoffs, Research Finds

CEOs who are paid less than their peers are four times more likely to engage in layoffs, according to research led by faculty at Binghamton University, State University...

More Workers Might Not Mean More Work Gets Done, Study Shows
From ACM Careers

More Workers Might Not Mean More Work Gets Done, Study Shows

For ants and robots operating in confined spaces like tunnels, having more workers does not necessarily mean getting more work done.
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