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Teaching the Programmers of Tomorrow
From ACM Careers

Teaching the Programmers of Tomorrow

Argonne National Laboratory's CodeGirls@Argonne Camp immerses seventh and eighth grade girls in computer science and introduces them to potential career paths in...

Hackers at Convention to Ferret Out Election System Bugs
From ACM Careers

Hackers at Convention to Ferret Out Election System Bugs

Def Con, one of the world's largest hacker conventions, will serve as a laboratory for breaking into voting machines this week, extending its efforts to identify...

A Video Game Can Change the Brain, May Improve Empathy in Middle Schoolers
From ACM Careers

A Video Game Can Change the Brain, May Improve Empathy in Middle Schoolers

Kids who played a video game designed to train empathy showed greater connectivity in brain networks related to empathy and perspective taking, a new study shows...

Artificial Intelligence Is Coming for Hiring, and It Might Not Be That Bad
From ACM Careers

Artificial Intelligence Is Coming for Hiring, and It Might Not Be That Bad

AI is a step up from the notoriously biased recruiting process, advocates say.

Engineers Taught a Drone to Herd Birds Away From Airports
From ACM Careers

Engineers Taught a Drone to Herd Birds Away From Airports

Engineers at Caltech have developed a control algorithm that enables a single drone to herd an entire flock of birds away from the airspace of an airport.

Quantum Computing Will Create Jobs. But Which Ones?
From ACM Careers

Quantum Computing Will Create Jobs. But Which Ones?

Chris Monroe's vision for quantum computers is simple: He wants people to use them.

AI Can Help Write Wikipedia Pages for Overlooked Scientists
From ACM Careers

AI Can Help Write Wikipedia Pages for Overlooked Scientists

Quicksilver AI software discovers scientists who should have Wikipedia articles about them and writes a first draft.

Programmers Need Ethics When Designing the Technologies that Influence People's Lives
From ACM Opinion

Programmers Need Ethics When Designing the Technologies that Influence People's Lives

Computing professionals are on the front lines of almost every aspect of the modern world.

Advocates Condemn Psych Techniques ­sed to Keep Kids Online
From ACM Careers

Advocates Condemn Psych Techniques ­sed to Keep Kids Online

Children's advocates want the American Psychological Association to condemn the tech industry's practice of using persuasive psychological techniques to keep kids...

Tech Industry is Leaving Behind Women of Color, Report Shows
From ACM Careers

Tech Industry is Leaving Behind Women of Color, Report Shows

Women of color make up 80 percent of all new women-led small businesses in the United States. In tech, however, that figure plummets to 4 percent, according to...

AI Can Now Tell Your Boss What Skills You Lack – And How You Can Get Them
From ACM Careers

AI Can Now Tell Your Boss What Skills You Lack – And How You Can Get Them

Coursera has unveiled a machine learning tool that shows companies what skills their employees are acquiring from its classes and their level of expertise.

Why Apple Is the Future of Capitalism
From ACM Opinion

Why Apple Is the Future of Capitalism

With Apple Inc. now exceeding $1 trillion in market capitalization, it's tempting to understand this moment in terms of the dominance of all-too-large companies...

Cramming Software With Thousands of Fake Bugs Could Make It More Secure
From ACM Careers

Cramming Software With Thousands of Fake Bugs Could Make It More Secure

Researchers suggest non-exploitable "chaff bugs" in systems could deter attackers from doing real harm.

Pentagon Restricts ­se of Fitness Trackers, Other Devices
From ACM Careers

Pentagon Restricts ­se of Fitness Trackers, Other Devices

Military troops and other defense personnel at sensitive bases or certain high-risk warzone areas won't be allowed to use fitness-tracker or cellphone applications...

Ding! Alibaba Office App Fuels Backlash Among Some Chinese Workers
From ACM Careers

Ding! Alibaba Office App Fuels Backlash Among Some Chinese Workers

In the cramped former home of Jack Ma, founder of the Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba, about thirty young engineers sit elbow-to-elbow, working to attract the...

Inside the Boot Camp Reforming Teenage Hackers
From ACM Careers

Inside the Boot Camp Reforming Teenage Hackers

The program aims to offer young cybercriminals an alternative to jail and turn them into legit cyber pros.

­sing Smartphones During Lectures Leads to Lower Grades, Study Finds
From ACM Careers

­sing Smartphones During Lectures Leads to Lower Grades, Study Finds

Research found the distraction of smartphones might translate into a lower grade on the final exam for college students.

Improved Passphrases Can Make Online Passwords More ­ser-Friendly and Secure
From ACM Careers

Improved Passphrases Can Make Online Passwords More ­ser-Friendly and Secure

Researchers have developed two phrase-based password systems that seek to address the usability and security shortcomings that have slowed their wider adoption....

Startup JITX ­ses AI to Automate Complex Circuit Board Design
From ACM Opinion

Startup JITX ­ses AI to Automate Complex Circuit Board Design

While anyone can learn how to design a circuit board, it takes a skilled engineer to design a circuit board that is both well optimized and unlikely to melt, explode...

Engineer to Explore Impact of Social Robots and AI in Higher Education
From ACM Careers

Engineer to Explore Impact of Social Robots and AI in Higher Education

Alan Wagner of Penn State is investigating how social, artificially intelligent robots in higher education can foster and enforce ethical behavior and academic...
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