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What If the State Provided Everyone with a Basic Income?
From ACM Careers

What If the State Provided Everyone with a Basic Income?

This month Finland is embarking on a radical economic experiment. Its government is giving 2,000 people free money for two years, guaranteeing them a minimum income...

This Team Runs Mark Zuckerberg's Facebook Page
From ACM Careers

This Team Runs Mark Zuckerberg's Facebook Page

What Happened to Women in Computer Science?
From ACM Careers

What Happened to Women in Computer Science?

The number of women receiving degrees in the male-dominated computer science area has declined and the gender gap is widening, says Lana Verschage, director of...

A Darker Theme in Obama's Farewell: Automation Can Divide ­S
From ACM News

A Darker Theme in Obama's Farewell: Automation Can Divide ­S

Underneath the nostalgia and hope in President Obama's farewell address Tuesday night was a darker theme: the struggle to help the people on the losing end of technological...

­sing Smartphones For Smarter Social Science
From ACM Careers

­sing Smartphones For Smarter Social Science

On Jan. 9, 2007, 10 years ago Monday, Steve Jobs formally announced Apple's "revolutionary mobile phone"—a device that combined the functionality of an iPod, phone...

Robots Will Destroy Our Jobs, and We're Not Ready For It
From ACM News

Robots Will Destroy Our Jobs, and We're Not Ready For It

The McDonald's on the corner of Third Avenue and 58th Street in New York City doesn/t look all that different from any of the fast-food chain's other locations...

Facebook, Nodding to Its Role in Media, Starts a Journalism Project
From ACM Careers

Facebook, Nodding to Its Role in Media, Starts a Journalism Project

Facebook is increasingly owning up to its role as one of the world’s largest distributors of information by taking more responsibility for the millions of stories...

At Ces 2017, You Have to Ask: What Makes a Robot a Robot?
From ACM Opinion

At Ces 2017, You Have to Ask: What Makes a Robot a Robot?

Tall, small, dancing, singing, cleaning, sassy, silly, cute and scary—CES 2017 was awash with robots.

­.S. Federal R&D Budget Continues ­pward Trend
From ACM Careers

­.S. Federal R&D Budget Continues ­pward Trend

The U.S. federal budget for research and development rose for the third straight year in Fiscal Year 2016, but is still below FY 2010 levels, according to a new report...

Medicaid's Data Gets an Internet-Era Makeover
From ACM Careers

Medicaid's Data Gets an Internet-Era Makeover

Jini Kim's relationship with Medicaid is business and personal.

MIT Media Lab to Participate in $27 Million Initiative on AI Ethics and Governance
From ACM Careers

MIT Media Lab to Participate in $27 Million Initiative on AI Ethics and Governance

The MIT Media Lab and Harvard's Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society are the founding anchor institutions for a new initiative aimed at addressing the...

The Purpose of Business in the Coming Smart Machine Age
From ACM Careers

The Purpose of Business in the Coming Smart Machine Age

Business needs a new story about its purpose to enable the kind of productive and creative activity that will become even more critical to its success in the emerging...

Mining 24 Hours a Day with Robots
From ACM Careers

Mining 24 Hours a Day with Robots

Each of these trucks is the size of a small two-story house. None has a driver or anyone else on board.

What's Your 'public Credit Score'? The Shanghai Government Can Tell You
From ACM Careers

What's Your 'public Credit Score'? The Shanghai Government Can Tell You

The Shanghai city government thinks it can make citizens more honest through a smartphone app.

The Man Selling Virtual Reality to China
From ACM Careers

The Man Selling Virtual Reality to China

One afternoon in December, Kevin Geiger was giving one of his regular talks about storytelling in virtual reality.

Apple Removes New York Times App in China 
From ACM News

Apple Removes New York Times App in China 

Apple has removed the New York Times app from its store in China after a government request, in an example of how far the company will go to please the authorities...

Here's What Happens to Tech in 2017 (unless 2016 Was All a Dream)
From ACM Opinion

Here's What Happens to Tech in 2017 (unless 2016 Was All a Dream)

What does 2017 hold for the world of tech and media?

Intel: We'll Be Your Net-Connected, Self-Driving Car's Brains
From ACM Careers

Intel: We'll Be Your Net-Connected, Self-Driving Car's Brains

It's go time for Intel.

Watch Out Hackers: Deploying Ransomware Is Now a Crime in California
From ACM Careers

Watch Out Hackers: Deploying Ransomware Is Now a Crime in California

As of January 1, the delivery of ransomware is illegal in California thanks to Senate Bill 1137 going into effect.

How Russia Recruited Elite Hackers For Its Cyberwar
From ACM News

How Russia Recruited Elite Hackers For Its Cyberwar

Aleksandr B. Vyarya thought his job was to defend people from cyberattacks until, he says, his government approached him with a request to do the opposite.
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