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Carnegie Mellon, Nsa Seek High School Hackers
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Carnegie Mellon, Nsa Seek High School Hackers

Bored with classes? Carnegie Mellon University and one of the government's top spy agencies want to interest high school students in a game of computer hacking.

U.s. Cybersecurity Policy Draws Interest from Companies, Lobbyists
From ACM News

U.s. Cybersecurity Policy Draws Interest from Companies, Lobbyists

The determination by Congress and President Obama to protect networks of critical U.S. industries from hackers and cyberspies is creating an explosive growth opportunity—for...

Apple Buys Indoor Mapping Company Wifislam
From ACM Careers

Apple Buys Indoor Mapping Company Wifislam

Apple has bought WifiSLAM, a company providing indoor mobile location services, which lets people figure out their location inside a building using the strength...

Radio Frequency Chip Makers Tune In to Smartphone Race
From ACM News

Radio Frequency Chip Makers Tune In to Smartphone Race

Radio frequency chip makers are set to gain as Samsung Electronics Co Ltd and Apple Inc unveil ever more sophisticated smartphones and tablets to battle for the...

So It Begins: DARPA Sets Out to Make Computers That Can Teach Themselves
From ACM News

So It Begins: DARPA Sets Out to Make Computers That Can Teach Themselves

The Pentagon's blue-sky research agency is readying a nearly four-year project to boost artificial intelligence systems by building machines that can teach themselves—while...

Youtube Reaches a Billion Monthly Viewers, Boosted By 'generation C'
From ACM Careers

Youtube Reaches a Billion Monthly Viewers, Boosted By 'generation C'

YouTube has a billion unique users visiting the video-sharing website every month, equivalent to one out of every two people on the Internet—and the generationsmartphones...

Revealed: The 1962 CIA Paper That Predicts the Big Deal With Big Data
From ACM News

Revealed: The 1962 CIA Paper That Predicts the Big Deal With Big Data

The Central Intelligence Agency has published for the first time "Some Far-Out Thoughts on Computers," a 1962 internal document that shows how eager the agency...

Hacking Highlights Dangers to Seoul of North's Cyber-Warriors
From ACM News

Hacking Highlights Dangers to Seoul of North's Cyber-Warriors

A hacking attack that brought down three South Korean broadcasters and two major banks has been identified by most commentators as North Korea flexing its muscles...

Why It's Time For Our Devices to ­nderstand What We Mean, Not Just What We Say
From ACM Opinion

Why It's Time For Our Devices to ­nderstand What We Mean, Not Just What We Say

It wasn’t just cost and Moore’s law. The graphical user interface—now known as the GUI ("gooey")—is what really made computing widespread, personal and ubiquitous...

The Touch-Screen Generation
From ACM Opinion

The Touch-Screen Generation

On a chilly day last spring, a few dozen developers of children’s apps for phones and tablets gathered at an old beach resort in Monterey, California, to show off...

The Era of Deep Archiving Begins
From ACM Opinion

The Era of Deep Archiving Begins

As a Dartmouth student in the early 1970s, William McDonough went, somewhat casually, to hear a lecture by a visiting celebrity. Mr. McDonough had little idea beforehand...

Basketball's 'Hidden' Positions Get an ­pdate
From ACM Careers

Basketball's 'Hidden' Positions Get an ­pdate

Chris Paul. Steve Nash. Jason Kidd. These are three of the NBA's top point guards of the past 15 years. But while they share a position, their style of play and...

The Secret of the Wonder Weapon That Israel Will Show Off to Obama
From ACM Careers

The Secret of the Wonder Weapon That Israel Will Show Off to Obama

In the Developing World, Moocs Start to Get Real
From ACM Careers

In the Developing World, Moocs Start to Get Real

As online education platforms like Coursera, edX, and Udacity burst onto the scene over the past year, backers have talked up their potential to democratize higher...

Intel's Media Unit on Hiring Spree to Prep for TV Debut
From ACM Careers

Intel's Media Unit on Hiring Spree to Prep for TV Debut

Intel Corp's media group has been on a hiring spree as it prepares to launch an Internet television service later this year, underscoring the chip maker's seriousness...

10 Companies Chasing Innovations That Really Matter
From ACM Careers

10 Companies Chasing Innovations That Really Matter

PayPal co-founder Max Levchin faced some flak recently when he announced he was starting a new company in the already crowded field of digital payments.

Internet Pioneers Win Engineering Prize
From ACM Careers

Internet Pioneers Win Engineering Prize

Sir Tim Berners Lee, Robert Kahn, Vinton Cerf, Louis Pouzin, and Marc Andreessen will share the £1m award.

Israel Ramps ­p Its Cyberdefense Training
From ACM Careers

Israel Ramps ­p Its Cyberdefense Training

Twice a week about 200 Israeli high school students in seven separate locations meet after school for six hours of extra classes.

Google Hires Brains that Helped Supercharge Machine Learning
From ACM Careers

Google Hires Brains that Helped Supercharge Machine Learning

Google has hired the man who showed how to make computers learn much like the human brain.

Google's Android Chief Andy Rubin to Step Aside
From ACM Careers

Google's Android Chief Andy Rubin to Step Aside

In a significant changing of the guard, Google said Wednesday that Android chief Andy Rubin, who built the company's phenomenally successful mobile software business...
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