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Private ­.s. Firms Take Major Role Vs. Cyberattacks
From ACM Careers

Private ­.s. Firms Take Major Role Vs. Cyberattacks

When Kevin Mandia, a retired military cybercrime investigator, decided to expose China as a primary threat to U.S. computer networks, he didn't have to consult...

The Boy Wonder of Buzzfeed
From ACM Opinion

The Boy Wonder of Buzzfeed

"BenSmithing is now an official term!" shouted Michael Hastings, a BuzzFeed reporter and author, at his book release party in Chelsea on a subfreezing night in...

Data Mining Is New Lobbying Gold
From ACM Careers

Data Mining Is New Lobbying Gold

A congressman gets an earful from his neighbor after church about a tax bill. A senator suddenly finds old high school classmates calling her about an upcoming...

Robocalls Are Annoying, So This Man Is ­sing Raspberry Pi to Stop Them
From ACM Careers

Robocalls Are Annoying, So This Man Is ­sing Raspberry Pi to Stop Them

When the Federal Trade Commission told the public it would give $50,000 to anyone who could devise an effective and convenient way to stop telemarketing robocalls...

Software that Tracks People on Social Media Created By Defence Firm
From ACM News

Software that Tracks People on Social Media Created By Defence Firm

A multinational security firm has secretly developed software capable of tracking people's movements and predicting future behaviour by mining data from social...

New High-Tech Warfare Medal Draws Backlash
From ACM News

New High-Tech Warfare Medal Draws Backlash

The Pentagon sparked an uproar among troops and veterans when it revealed that a new high-level medal honoring drone pilots will rank above some traditional combat...

Mayor Bloomberg's State of the City Address Touts His Efforts on Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math Schooling
From ACM Careers

Mayor Bloomberg's State of the City Address Touts His Efforts on Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math Schooling

Glittering, high-tech schools of the future are fast becoming reality thanks to massive investments in education, Mayor Bloomberg said Thursday.

In High-Tech Japan, the Fax Machines Roll On
From ACM Careers

In High-Tech Japan, the Fax Machines Roll On

Japan is renowned for its robots and bullet trains, and has some of the world's fastest broadband networks. But it also remains firmly wedded to a pre-Internet...

Smartthings Aims to Deliver the Internet-Connected Home
From ACM Careers

Smartthings Aims to Deliver the Internet-Connected Home

In the elusive dream of the automated home, visitors ring a doorbell, and it buzzes the homeowner's mobile phone. Lawn sprinklers take rainy days off. At bedtime...

From ACM Careers

Cyber Command to Hire Thousands of Troops, Civilians

The Pentagon plans a massive expansion of the joint U.S. Cyber Command, potentially creating a rare pocket of job growth for troops in a force otherwise constrained...

Letter 'to a Future Woman in Tech' Hopes For Long Ladies' Room Lines at Conferences
From ACM Careers

Letter 'to a Future Woman in Tech' Hopes For Long Ladies' Room Lines at Conferences

Stacey Mulcahy, who is currently a lead developer at the digital creative agency Big Spaceship, has been in the tech industry since 2001.

Cobol Will Outlive ­S All
From ACM Careers

Cobol Will Outlive ­S All

In the early 1980s, I was told that COBOL was going away and that I should quickly move toward other programming languages.

3d Software Key to Designing Many of Today's Consumer Products
From ACM News

3d Software Key to Designing Many of Today's Consumer Products

While developing an electric bicycle for his San Rafael company, Marcus Hays had planned to insert a battery into one of the bike's supporting tubes. But then he...

The Browser Wars Go Mobile
From ACM News

The Browser Wars Go Mobile

When surfing the Web on a smartphone, most of us stick with the browser that came with our handset.

Yep, Skype Is Still Taking Business Away from the Telcos
From ACM Careers

Yep, Skype Is Still Taking Business Away from the Telcos

The popularity of Skype and other IP-based international calling options has continued to take market share away from the international minutes, according to research...

Oscar Sci-Tech Awards Honor Ingenious Screen Science and Engineering
From ACM News

Oscar Sci-Tech Awards Honor Ingenious Screen Science and Engineering

The goal of every movie is for the audience to suspend its collective disbelief and become immersed in the world created on screen.

At Facebook, Zero-Day Exploits, Backdoor Code Bring War Games Drill to Life
From ACM News

At Facebook, Zero-Day Exploits, Backdoor Code Bring War Games Drill to Life

Early on Halloween morning, members of Facebook's Computer Emergency Response Team received an urgent email from an FBI special agent who regularly briefs them...

The Threat of Silence
From ACM Careers

The Threat of Silence

For the past few months, some of the world's leading cryptographers have been keeping a closely guarded secret about a pioneering new invention.

Mandiant, the Go-To Security Firm For Cyber-Espionage Attacks
From ACM Careers

Mandiant, the Go-To Security Firm For Cyber-Espionage Attacks

The brand-new operations center of cybersecurity firm Mandiant is deceptively tranquil.

Sewing Machines Go High-Tech
From ACM News

Sewing Machines Go High-Tech

The old-fashioned sewing machine is finally getting a modern makeover.
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