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In Head-Hunting, Big Data May Not Be Such a Big Deal
From ACM Careers

In Head-Hunting, Big Data May Not Be Such a Big Deal

Q. How is Big Data being used more in the leadership and management field? 

The Hut Where the Internet Began
From ACM Opinion

The Hut Where the Internet Began

Let's start at the end point: what you're doing right now. You are pulling information from a network onto a screen, enhancing your embodied experience with a communication...

Finding Harmony with Big Data
From ACM Careers

Finding Harmony with Big Data

Technology developed by two MIT alumni entrepreneurs is helping developers create smarter online music-streaming services.

What Your Metadata Says About You
From ACM Opinion

What Your Metadata Says About You

As recently as a few weeks ago, "metadata" was an obscure term known mainly to techies and academics.

This Is the Woman at the Heart of Everything Google Builds
From ACM Careers

This Is the Woman at the Heart of Everything Google Builds

There was a time when Melody Meckfessel juggled two wardrobes: one for one Google, and one for the rest of her life.

Future Cops: How Technology Is Set to Change Policing
From ACM News

Future Cops: How Technology Is Set to Change Policing

The sci-fi vision of police officers rushing to the scene of a crime before any crime has even been committed may be rather far-fetched but technology is increasingly...

How Nasa Steers the International Space Station Around Space Junk
From ACM News

How Nasa Steers the International Space Station Around Space Junk

Orbiting about 250 miles (400-ish km) above our heads is one of the most complex and expensive engineering projects that the human race has ever put together: the...

Why the Airline Industry Needs Another Data Revolution
From ACM News

Why the Airline Industry Needs Another Data Revolution

Over the years, airline travel has been a prime testbed for advanced computing and data tools.

Data Scientists Most Sought After
From ACM CareerNews

Data Scientists Most Sought After

There is a growing demand by U.S. employers for data scientists who can analyze and manipulate the mountains of information generated and stored in the Internet...

Investors Buy Into Software-Defined Networks, Will Customers Follow?
From ACM News

Investors Buy Into Software-Defined Networks, Will Customers Follow?

As Superstorm Sandy bore down on the East coast last year, companies with data centers in its path needed another location fast. But moving computer servers is...

Protecting Data in the Cloud
From ACM Careers

Protecting Data in the Cloud

A new hardware component design makes data encryption more secure by disguising cloud servers' memory-access patterns.  

The Seventy-Billion-Mile Telescope
From ACM News

The Seventy-Billion-Mile Telescope

When I was a teen-ager, I spent many nights gazing through a telescope at an amateur observatory in Cranford, New Jersey. Saturn, to the naked eye, is a shining...

Siri's Creators Demonstrate an Assistant That Takes the Initiative
From ACM News

Siri's Creators Demonstrate an Assistant That Takes the Initiative

In a small, dark, room off a long hallway within a sprawling complex of buildings in Silicon Valley, an array of massive flat-panel displays and video cameras track ...

Google Ventures Stresses Science of Deal, Not Art of the Deal
From ACM Careers

Google Ventures Stresses Science of Deal, Not Art of the Deal

Here is how the venture capital game used to be played around here: A friend calls a friend who knows a guy.

The Watchers
From ACM News

The Watchers

Looking down from 500 miles above Earth's surface, you could watch the FedEx Custom Critical Delivery truck move across the country along 3,140 miles of highway...

The Future of Libraries: Short on Books, Long on Tech
From ACM Careers

The Future of Libraries: Short on Books, Long on Tech

This isn't your childhood librar

Obama, the 'big Data' President
From ACM TechNews

Obama, the 'big Data' President

The Obama administration, which strongly believes in the power of data to drive government decision-making, has initiated several big data projects.

Spark: Open Source Superstar Rewrites Future of Big Data
From ACM News

Spark: Open Source Superstar Rewrites Future of Big Data

Ram Sriharsha works in the engine room powering one of Silicon Valley's most influential companies. He’s an engineer at Yahoo.

N.s.a. Leak Puts Focus on System Administrators
From ACM News

N.s.a. Leak Puts Focus on System Administrators

Edward J. Snowden, the former National Security Agency contractor who leaked details about American surveillance, personifies a debate at the heart of technology...

­nderwater Drones Are Multiplying Fast
From ACM News

­nderwater Drones Are Multiplying Fast

The next army of unmanned drones are scurrying beneath the ocean's surface.
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