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Europe Says Farewell to Prolific Herschel Space Telescope
From ACM News

Europe Says Farewell to Prolific Herschel Space Telescope

3d Printer Brings Dexterity to Children With No Fingers
From ACM Careers

3d Printer Brings Dexterity to Children With No Fingers

Richard Van As was working in his home near Johannesburg, South Africa, in May of 2011, when he lost control of his table saw.

The Tech Company Lawyers Who Stand Between You and Government Snoops
From ACM Careers

The Tech Company Lawyers Who Stand Between You and Government Snoops

The in-house legal teams at Silicon Valley companies are usually associated with intellectual property disputes, anti-trade spats, and the maneuvering around initial...

Now You Can Build Google's $1m Artificial Brain on the Cheap
From ACM News

Now You Can Build Google's $1m Artificial Brain on the Cheap

Andrew Ng wants to bring deep learning—an emerging computer science field that seeks to mimic the human brain with hardware and software into the DIY era.

Will the Nsa Rethink Its Data Collection System?
From ACM Opinion

Will the Nsa Rethink Its Data Collection System?

Weekend Edition Sunday Host Rachel Martin talks to Joel Brenner, former senior counsel at the National Security Agency, about whether the NSA can protect Americans'...

Now Hear This: Navy Abandons All Caps
From ACM News

Now Hear This: Navy Abandons All Caps


Why Google Is the Big Data Company That Matters Most
From ACM Opinion

Why Google Is the Big Data Company That Matters Most

Every now and then, someone asks "Who’ll be the Google of big data?"

The Nsa Could Collect Far More Than Your Phone Records from Mobile Operators
From ACM News

The Nsa Could Collect Far More Than Your Phone Records from Mobile Operators

The revelation that the National Security Agency is collecting our phone records has generated considerable outrage, but phone call metadata is just the beginning...

'chinese Google' ­nveils Visual Search Engine Powered By Fake Brains
From ACM News

'chinese Google' ­nveils Visual Search Engine Powered By Fake Brains

Chinese search giant Baidu has served up its first ever visual search engine, which allows users to finally query the web using only images as input instead of...

Spies Like ­s: How We All Helped Build Prism
From ACM Careers

Spies Like ­s: How We All Helped Build Prism

It used to be that the National Security Agency and its ilk had to pay through the nose for the latest in spying technology.

How the ­.s. ­ses Technology to Mine More Data More Quickly
From ACM News

How the ­.s. ­ses Technology to Mine More Data More Quickly

When American analysts hunting terrorists sought new ways to comb through the troves of phone records, e-mails, and other data piling up as digital communications...

Drone Nation: A New Industry Takes Flight
From ACM Careers

Drone Nation: A New Industry Takes Flight

By 2025 the drone industry will employ 100,000 people and be worth $82 billion globally, according to the Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International...

Hacking the Drone War's Secret History
From ACM News

Hacking the Drone War's Secret History

In 2008 U.S. troops in Iraq discovered that Shi’ite insurgents had figured out how to tap and record video feeds from overhead American drones. Now you too can...

From ACM News

As Data Floods In, Massive Open Online Courses Evolve

In 2012, education startups attracted millions of students—and a surge of interest from universities and the media—by offering massive open online courses, or MOOCs...

How You and I Could Become Nodes in the Internet of Things
From ACM News

How You and I Could Become Nodes in the Internet of Things

Ever wonder what the network infrastructure of the future will be? Try looking in the mirror.

Opening Dropbox
From ACM Opinion

Opening Dropbox

If you walk the halls at MIT, you may notice a lot of students wearing T-shirts bearing the Dropbox logo. It's a simple design—an opened box—but one that carries...

Nasa Spacecraft Sees Tornado's Destructive Swath
From ACM News

Nasa Spacecraft Sees Tornado's Destructive Swath

A new image from the Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) instrument on NASA's Terra spacecraft shows the extent of destruction...

Wisee ­ses Wi-Fi Signals to Recognize Body Gestures
From ACM News

Wisee ­ses Wi-Fi Signals to Recognize Body Gestures

Researchers say they have found a way to detect and recognize human gestures based on how they affect Wi-Fi signals.

The CIA Invests in Narrative Science and Its Automated Writers
From ACM Careers

The CIA Invests in Narrative Science and Its Automated Writers

Narrative Science has already proven that its robot writers can make sentences that are good enough for newspapers and internal company reports. Now they're going...

As Facebook Grows ­p, Grand Ambitions Get Reality Check
From ACM Opinion

As Facebook Grows ­p, Grand Ambitions Get Reality Check

Facebook, which once seemed poised to take over the Internet, is showing its limitations: a host of newer services are gaining ground among trend-setting youth;...
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